Monday, July 5, 2010

Finding Good Dog Kennel Insurance


Dear Savior, perhaps you thought dimenticato.No that I had, I could not, because I want to reach the " CD" and " PAPERS " you made that you gave me. I watched all of your work and I can say-not as critical as they are not that-who paints to represent "real" image, a landscape, a still life should comply with the rules dictated from anatomy, from the perspective color and so 'way, but when someone like you, you give a body of ideas that someone could be called abstract, here is that those rules are no longer valid or, at least, are not entirely valid, since another is the meters and others with whom the fees are necessary misurarsi.Nel your case, rather than the chrome, in addition to color, in my opinion, is the size of the symbols that must be measured, and with regard to these factors, I think right to point out that every artist is brought to convey their ideas with the invention of original, exclusive symbols. Therefore, it is certainly much more important conceive what is meant, what it means to the body, and not as a technique with which elements. In your case, I believe, is not important how you build " THE FLAG OF ' HUMANITY' (INSTEAD OF THE SUN RAIN) "or with what materials or how large and colorful, but is the idea that counts more than anything else . A writer uses their own language to write his novel, a painter uses his colors, his technique; an artist at the base of his works and ideas of places to give their body makes use of any materials, so his ideas be considered an integral part of the materials used, without which there would be a work of art . In your " FLAG OF HUMANITY ' ( THE SUN INSTEAD OF RAIN )", I could gather, beyond the 'outer originality , given all its elements of color and contour of the underlying object, including and especially the element philosophical and sociological-ecological : it is a flag ', but not only, and selfish' humanity, and humanity, in this case is the past, present, and even more becoming, and there can be no becoming without a healthy environment in which humanity must live, and the environment is not only the landscape that surrounds, but all things and all beings that man, if he really loves his becoming can not exploit, ignore and despise, no, can not because what we have is not ours alone, but for all (not all) and that everything should be left as an inheritance to those who come after us, thanks to which you are becoming.

Maestro Giuseppe Messina


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