Monday, August 9, 2010

What Does Spots On Your Bladder Mean?

Matrix ..

All in all it went to great if not exactly "large" I'd say. 08.08.2010 at Matrix
Yesterday, five kilometers from Campobasso, there was the wine festival, a festival now reached the fifth edizione.Nel nice array of historical context, it was possible to taste and savor the wine, from the homemade to the mass-produced and used, from vineyards in the afternoon in the great feast in the evening.
A very interesting event in which I participated with enthusiasm, including a really nice show in the old sports club used to "Live Painting" held in the evening during the party.
Sun vines and lots of fun with the guys that obviously Matrix thank you.
First thank Daniela (muse that you're always close), my family without whom I would be lost and on foot with many problems;). In
secondis thank Antonio (Sticchi) for their hospitality, patience and goodness, thank you all and that the world of comics can give you satisfaction (especially in times like these). In Terzis
thank Antonio (Pallotta) for the impeccable organization and for allowing me to live performances. In
QUARTIS all the guys in the Matrix.
soon uagliĆ¹ and "SEE YU SOON!"



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