Saturday, March 12, 2011

How Long Can You Cook Mixed Vegetables In A Can

Universal Mortgage

When it comes to share a special sensitivity to defend the basic rights of every human being, this translates into the preservation of the food needs of every individual and the need for a roof to sleep.
Eating, drinking and sleeping are basic rights for every human being and must be ensured at all costs. This leads to the need to guarantee, by the State, having to provide all citizens a basic income "or, as it is called in Switzerland," Universal check. "
In Switzerland the introduction of the check Universal has become a ' parliamentary initiative under discussion and justification of the text submitted is as follows:

" universal allowance means a payment of a single income to all citizens of a country, regardless of their income, their wealth or occupational status. This income would allow everyone to meet their basic needs (food, housing, clothing or certain cultural base) and would leave the individual free to lead his life as he sees fit. This check should allow each person to pursue its non-commercial activities within the associational life and create wealth can not be assessed in monetary terms useful to the reconstruction of the social fabric, ie to establish a relationship with his fellow non-commercial use. As for the individual citizen, the basic income assigned to each individual by the mere fact that there is calculated on the basis of the wealth produced by the country and combined with other income from gainful employment, would replace the existing income transfer. To the community, this new way of income distribution, perfectly transparent and easy to apply and to monitor, ensure perfect equality among all citizens. Into concrete membership in the human community and to give recognition the dignity of any person. His collection with other income would eliminate the disadvantage of poverty lines without constituting a disincentive to work, as any paid activity would generate additional income. "

In other countries, except in Italy , there are already concrete measures aimed at ensuring the essential rights of the citizen:

  • In Great Britain: from 18 years who has no job and no savings for more of € 12,775 is entitled all'Income-based Jobseeker's Allowance, or about € 350 per month for an unlimited period of time.
  • in Belgium is called the minimax is an individual right, it guarantees a minimum income of 650 € for those who do not have sufficient resources to live. It can benefit anyone, even those who have just stopped receiving unemployment benefits.
  • In Luxembourg: the minimum revenue Guarani, is called a universal law, have an individual "to achieve a better condition personnel. " The amount is € 1,100 per month.
  • Sozialhilfe In Austria there is a guaranteed minimum that is added to support for food, heating, electricity and rent for the house.
  • In Norway there til the Stønad livsopphold, literally "existence of income, paid on an individual basis without condition of age, with a monthly payment of 500 € and coverage of accommodation costs and electricity.
  • Beinstand In Holland it is called, is an individual right and goes to rent support, transport for students, access to culture.
All these are just some of the different activities carried out, often linked to income, age, state of unemployment and / or time limits. The allowance is universal but separate from it, and shall be paid unconditionally, ie without any justification of resources, every individual from birth to death, merely because he exists. Behind the universal solution of the check, there is also an ethical choice that appears to be a reassessment of the concept of "work", that should not be presented as a requirement for the individual, without which its existence is not compromised. The work remains a " right" for everyone, but it should not be a "duty " that aims to affect human existence. This should be guaranteed regardless of income. The work of each individual should result in expression of their personal passions and help the community and not, as at present, in a form of coercion Us threaten the satisfaction of basic needs of citizens. For this reason, the universal introduction of the check would recognize the inalienable rights of every individual.

At this point, many would say, " but if there is money to provide decent public services if you can imagine economic subsidize to ensure the basic rights del'essere living." Well at this point then you could think of a issuing of currency ad hoc, based on state or regional, such as that made by the JF Kennedy June 4, 1963, which he signed the ' Executive Order 11110 which gave the Government the opportunity to U.S. to issue money without going through the very private Federal Reserve and, therefore, without creating additional debt.
small but important clarification: after just five months after the signing Executive Order 11110 which put out the power of the U.S. central bank Kennedy was assassinated (November 22, 1963) and since then no American president has more returns them ' executive order is still valid in the U.S. Constitution.
just random?

Salvatore Tamburro


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