Monday, March 7, 2011

Layaway Stores, Toronto

and Decorate My Lemon Mimosa

good start all week!
here by me, after a weekend of rain and cold, the sun finally came out .. sin, however, that the weekend is already finished: (! Oh well tomorrow is the new party, even double celebration ^__^. And, in fact, precisely in view of the "International Women's Day" I have given to the mad joy xD and I decided to make my first "Torta Mimosa" :) so I can also participate in the new theme proposed by Guardini these days! :)

Oh yes, I had always seen photos and recipes for this cake but I never ventured in the production, and even then I had to open the oven nuovoooo ... finally a large oven where you can have my dolciiii *__*. . .. so I tried !!!... and the result was really satisfying! :)
So, first things first ... I'll show you a first Fotina xD then i start with the recipe and the explanation:)

mimosa cake with lemon:

For the sponge cake I got the recipe from a book from the collection School of Chocolate " I'm buying on sale in recent weeks:):
  • 5 eggs 180 g
  • sugar 1 tablespoon honey
  • 150 g of flour "00" "Molino Chiavazza"
  • 75 g of potato starch (I put the frumina)
  • 2 teaspoons baking powder (my addition staff xD)
  • grated lemon peel (my addition)
I made two sponge. One, big, using these doses in a round baking pan and the other, smaller, using the two-thirds of these amounts, in a pan for plum cake. Both trays are line of "Selena" of Guardini you find here.

Here they are:)

For the cream:
  • 500 g milk 120 g sugar 40 g
  • frumina
  • 3 egg
  • vanilla
  • grated lemon peel 200 ml cream
For the syrup:
  • 300 g water 75 g sugar 75 g
  • of liquor (I put the lemon of course)
  • lemon zest
SPONGE CAKE : Beat eggs with sugar for at least twenty minutes to double the volume. While mounted, add a tablespoon of honey and lemon zest grated. Incorporated into the mixture then the flour, baking powder sifted frumina and, using a spatula and turning from the bottom up. Butter the baking dish and pour the mixture.
Bake at 175 degrees for 30 minutes.
I repeated the process with the smallest sponge cake baked in plum cake mold, using the two-thirds of the amounts stated.

CREAM: Warm the milk with lemon zest and vanilla bean. In a saucepan mix the egg yolks with sugar and frumina and work all for good with a whip. Add the hot milk, stirring constantly and then put on the heat and simmer for a few minutes, stirring constantly.
Allow to cool.

BAGNA Limoncello: Boil water with sugar and lemon zest. When cool, add the lemon.

STATEMENT: I \u200b\u200bcut the round sponge cake into 3 layers, while the rectangular one I cut into small cubes to cover the cake.
In the first layer I put a third of the cream. Then I added the remaining cream and whipped cream I used for the second layer and cover the entire cake, so that the cream has been the glue for the cubes of sponge cake which I covered the whole surface.
Remember, of course, to wet each layer with the syrup to the lemon.
Finally I sprayed on the cake vial to a mixture of lemon and water to give a perfume more and made a small mimosa on the tray, with the cream colored, decorative.

Well I think I've said it all ^ __ ^ and I hope the explanation was clear enough:) Now

The slice: P

piaceeee you??

With this recipe I want to participate in the contest of citrus Cinzia of "The Cookbook Cynthia")

all for now, but back prestissimooo .. I have other recipes to see you and especially the Silikomart gifts and decorations that I have come to these giorniiiiii *___*:) Kisses



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