Tuesday, March 15, 2011

Medical Doctors In Nutrition Toronto

Cake stained e. .. new graphics to my blog!

Good afternoon to you all! :)
Before proposing the recipe for today I wanted to know what you think of this new look of my blog?? :)
you like it?? After several attempts I managed to figure out how to create an image that best represents my small space:). For now I'm happy then who knows maybe later will make a few changes

xD And now the recipe for today ^__^.... is a cupcake that I made already a few weeks ago, I was incurisito particularly in preparation because he follows a proceeding from the other unusual cakes for breakfast I have ever made.

The recipe comes from the first volume School of Chocolate " of Mondadori.

  • 500 g flour 00 g butter 150
  • 150 g sugar 3 eggs 1 cup milk
  • a glass of anise liqueur (I nn I put it)
  • 25 g cocoa powder
  • 1 packet of baking powder (the recipe actually said two sachets)
  • 1 / 2 lemon
Place the flour and knead with eggs, sugar, milk, butter, baking powder and lemon zest. Knead until mixture is smooth and homogeneous. In practice, the ingredients work as if you wanted to get a crust, because the mixture is denser than other cakes but not excessively.
Stir cocoa 1 / 3 of the dough. Grease a baking dish and pour half of the dough well on the stock available to the bottom, cover with the chocolate and make a final layer with remaining dough white. Bake at 180 degrees until it is golden brown.

Great for breakfast! ;)

Try it! ;)

Before leaving I want to invite the same name of my Giveaway Gloria of 'sweet treats' :)

Saturday, March 12, 2011

How Long Can You Cook Mixed Vegetables In A Can

Universal Mortgage

When it comes to share a special sensitivity to defend the basic rights of every human being, this translates into the preservation of the food needs of every individual and the need for a roof to sleep.
Eating, drinking and sleeping are basic rights for every human being and must be ensured at all costs. This leads to the need to guarantee, by the State, having to provide all citizens a basic income "or, as it is called in Switzerland," Universal check. "
In Switzerland the introduction of the check Universal has become a ' parliamentary initiative under discussion and justification of the text submitted is as follows:

" universal allowance means a payment of a single income to all citizens of a country, regardless of their income, their wealth or occupational status. This income would allow everyone to meet their basic needs (food, housing, clothing or certain cultural base) and would leave the individual free to lead his life as he sees fit. This check should allow each person to pursue its non-commercial activities within the associational life and create wealth can not be assessed in monetary terms useful to the reconstruction of the social fabric, ie to establish a relationship with his fellow non-commercial use. As for the individual citizen, the basic income assigned to each individual by the mere fact that there is calculated on the basis of the wealth produced by the country and combined with other income from gainful employment, would replace the existing income transfer. To the community, this new way of income distribution, perfectly transparent and easy to apply and to monitor, ensure perfect equality among all citizens. Into concrete membership in the human community and to give recognition the dignity of any person. His collection with other income would eliminate the disadvantage of poverty lines without constituting a disincentive to work, as any paid activity would generate additional income. "

In other countries, except in Italy , there are already concrete measures aimed at ensuring the essential rights of the citizen:

  • In Great Britain: from 18 years who has no job and no savings for more of € 12,775 is entitled all'Income-based Jobseeker's Allowance, or about € 350 per month for an unlimited period of time.
  • in Belgium is called the minimax is an individual right, it guarantees a minimum income of 650 € for those who do not have sufficient resources to live. It can benefit anyone, even those who have just stopped receiving unemployment benefits.
  • In Luxembourg: the minimum revenue Guarani, is called a universal law, have an individual "to achieve a better condition personnel. " The amount is € 1,100 per month.
  • Sozialhilfe In Austria there is a guaranteed minimum that is added to support for food, heating, electricity and rent for the house.
  • In Norway there til the Stønad livsopphold, literally "existence of income, paid on an individual basis without condition of age, with a monthly payment of 500 € and coverage of accommodation costs and electricity.
  • Beinstand In Holland it is called, is an individual right and goes to rent support, transport for students, access to culture.
All these are just some of the different activities carried out, often linked to income, age, state of unemployment and / or time limits. The allowance is universal but separate from it, and shall be paid unconditionally, ie without any justification of resources, every individual from birth to death, merely because he exists. Behind the universal solution of the check, there is also an ethical choice that appears to be a reassessment of the concept of "work", that should not be presented as a requirement for the individual, without which its existence is not compromised. The work remains a " right" for everyone, but it should not be a "duty " that aims to affect human existence. This should be guaranteed regardless of income. The work of each individual should result in expression of their personal passions and help the community and not, as at present, in a form of coercion Us threaten the satisfaction of basic needs of citizens. For this reason, the universal introduction of the check would recognize the inalienable rights of every individual.

At this point, many would say, " but if there is money to provide decent public services if you can imagine economic subsidize to ensure the basic rights del'essere living." Well at this point then you could think of a issuing of currency ad hoc, based on state or regional, such as that made by the JF Kennedy June 4, 1963, which he signed the ' Executive Order 11110 which gave the Government the opportunity to U.S. to issue money without going through the very private Federal Reserve and, therefore, without creating additional debt.
small but important clarification: after just five months after the signing Executive Order 11110 which put out the power of the U.S. central bank Kennedy was assassinated (November 22, 1963) and since then no American president has more returns them ' executive order is still valid in the U.S. Constitution.
just random?

Salvatore Tamburro

Thursday, March 10, 2011

Gentle Lead Versus Halti For A Doberman

Rye bread with the Molino Chiavazza

I'm back here again. :)
do not believe it! This is nothing less than the third post of the week ^__^... have never been able to update the blog so many times in a short time xD ihihi

Tonight I'm here to offer my first recipe, Sweet blog xD. Well you say that this is more or less true;) because it is a sweet recipe, but can still be used in the morning breakfast with a good jam:).
I'm talking about the rye bread that I made through the meal I paid homage to the Molino Chiavazza .

It is, in fact, a mixture made for make good bread at home:).
admit that it was the first time I competed in this enterprise ^ __ ^ and it was really easy. ;)
I followed exactly the instructions on the label and look here ...

I never ate rye bread but it was a pleasant surprise:). Really good!
doses on the back of the pack refer to 1 kg of flour, but I preferred to do half the dose amount and then all will be halved from me

  • 500 g of rye flour mill Chiavazza
  • a sachet yeast 2 tablespoons olive oil
  • 10 g of salt
  • 5 g sugar 350 ml hot water
Pour the flour into a bowl, make a hole in the center and add all ingredients to avoid the yeast that comes in direct contact with salt. Pour a little water at a time and mix with a spoon first and then with hands until dough is smooth and homogeneous.
Let rise for one hour in a bowl greased with oil and covered with a cloth.
After an hour again knead and shape the bread. Place it into the pan and drill cuttings to the surface. Let rise for 30 minutes.
I've left more than two hours to rise.
Bake at 200 degrees for 40 to 50 minutes.

What do you think??
Try it:) A big kiss


Tuesday, March 8, 2011

Request Of Phone Line Disconnection


I can not begin this post with a great

; ;
to all of you who follow me! Only yesterday my blog has received over 350 hits ... a real record for me * __ * and today I reached 100 supporters: **! : Thank you, thank you! :):)
This makes me very very happy and my little personal space continues to give me small (but big for me great) rewards! :)

Then, of course, I do hope to all women who follow me ... you are celebrating??
I, as a sweet, for this feast I have already given my mimosa is .. xD in the previous post ^__^!!!
In this post, however, I want to tell you about one of those little satisfactions ;)... I mentioned above I am referring to the collaboration :)!!!
's so nice to get home so many new products to improve more and more in our passion *__*... and if they are the products of two large companies that specialize in the production of articles for the sweet ... imagine My joy in opening the packages! :)))))

Then we go to order;), at the beginning of last week I received the package of Silikomart .
Inside I found two products that the company has submitted its these days:)

The mold for chocolates "Teatime" with which to make fun shaped chocolates to accompany our nicest snack:). And
"Tulip" a silicone mold to make the red tulip-shaped cakes! :)
I invite you to take a look at the site of Silikomart where you'll find thousands of products and accessories to create lots of sweets from all different forms, and also you can buy directly from the site. ;)

At weekends, however, to my great joy has come the second set ... that Decorate . A company in which I am very fond of him, and because a short walk from home I have a shop (my favorite store for the accuracy xD) that I can easily buy all the products of the ornaments and Wilton, and partly because I always like to more dedicated to cake decorating and this company offers you everything from A to Z to make any kind of decorum. Let's say that it was this store I mentioned above, to grow in my passion :**!!! The more I went in and I let myself more intrigued by each object that I saw on the shelves .. so slowly I have documented over the internet and I discovered a whole beautiful world made of sugar, color and imagination! :) And I've always wanted to learn more:)

ops ... but maybe I have dwelt too xD mmm ... maybe you should go back to Decorate :)
Let me see what I have posted; )

Then three subjects with biscuit cutter spring but also the Easter Bunny ... look how cute ^__^. A package of white chocolate that can be colored with color gels. A tube of gold coloring and a pack of food markers to write on cakes covered with fondant. :)
What do you think?? I particularly liked markers:) finally I know how to write on my cake ^ __ ^:) And since the past
Carnival, now you think of the Easter ... here find the catalog Decorate with all the products in the Easter theme;). And if you want to subscribe to stay current page facebook here.

Well I think I said it all;). Now I just have to try all these gifts. xD

Sending you a big kiss. Gloria

Monday, March 7, 2011

Layaway Stores, Toronto

and Decorate My Lemon Mimosa

good start all week!
here by me, after a weekend of rain and cold, the sun finally came out .. sin, however, that the weekend is already finished: (! Oh well tomorrow is the new party, even double celebration ^__^. And, in fact, precisely in view of the "International Women's Day" I have given to the mad joy xD and I decided to make my first "Torta Mimosa" :) so I can also participate in the new theme proposed by Guardini these days! :)

Oh yes, I had always seen photos and recipes for this cake but I never ventured in the production, and even then I had to open the oven nuovoooo ... finally a large oven where you can have my dolciiii *__*. . .. so I tried !!!... and the result was really satisfying! :)
So, first things first ... I'll show you a first Fotina xD then i start with the recipe and the explanation:)

mimosa cake with lemon:

For the sponge cake I got the recipe from a book from the collection School of Chocolate " I'm buying on sale in recent weeks:):
  • 5 eggs 180 g
  • sugar 1 tablespoon honey
  • 150 g of flour "00" "Molino Chiavazza"
  • 75 g of potato starch (I put the frumina)
  • 2 teaspoons baking powder (my addition staff xD)
  • grated lemon peel (my addition)
I made two sponge. One, big, using these doses in a round baking pan and the other, smaller, using the two-thirds of these amounts, in a pan for plum cake. Both trays are line of "Selena" of Guardini you find here.

Here they are:)

For the cream:
  • 500 g milk 120 g sugar 40 g
  • frumina
  • 3 egg
  • vanilla
  • grated lemon peel 200 ml cream
For the syrup:
  • 300 g water 75 g sugar 75 g
  • of liquor (I put the lemon of course)
  • lemon zest
SPONGE CAKE : Beat eggs with sugar for at least twenty minutes to double the volume. While mounted, add a tablespoon of honey and lemon zest grated. Incorporated into the mixture then the flour, baking powder sifted frumina and, using a spatula and turning from the bottom up. Butter the baking dish and pour the mixture.
Bake at 175 degrees for 30 minutes.
I repeated the process with the smallest sponge cake baked in plum cake mold, using the two-thirds of the amounts stated.

CREAM: Warm the milk with lemon zest and vanilla bean. In a saucepan mix the egg yolks with sugar and frumina and work all for good with a whip. Add the hot milk, stirring constantly and then put on the heat and simmer for a few minutes, stirring constantly.
Allow to cool.

BAGNA Limoncello: Boil water with sugar and lemon zest. When cool, add the lemon.

STATEMENT: I \u200b\u200bcut the round sponge cake into 3 layers, while the rectangular one I cut into small cubes to cover the cake.
In the first layer I put a third of the cream. Then I added the remaining cream and whipped cream I used for the second layer and cover the entire cake, so that the cream has been the glue for the cubes of sponge cake which I covered the whole surface.
Remember, of course, to wet each layer with the syrup to the lemon.
Finally I sprayed on the cake vial to a mixture of lemon and water to give a perfume more and made a small mimosa on the tray, with the cream colored, decorative.

Well I think I've said it all ^ __ ^ and I hope the explanation was clear enough:) Now

The slice: P

piaceeee you??

With this recipe I want to participate in the contest of citrus Cinzia of "The Cookbook Cynthia")

all for now, but back prestissimooo .. I have other recipes to see you and especially the Silikomart gifts and decorations that I have come to these giorniiiiii *___*:) Kisses


Thursday, March 3, 2011

At&t Uverse Recordings Erased

but check what it costs?

Today I thumbed through a magazine of an estate agent, I read an ad and try to suggest the purchase of a home in Naples (Capodimonte area), 3 rooms (2 bedrooms, 1 living room, kitchen and bathroom), 75 sqm. at a cost of € 260,000.00.

I asked but what would cost me to buy this house by opening a mortgage?

Best offer on the market on March 3, 2011 for a fixed rate mortgage and rate constants:

-selected bank: Banco di Napoli SpA
-cost house: € 260,000.00

-monthly flat rate: € 1,500 No. 81-
rate: 360
-monthly term of the loan: 30 years
-APR: 5.88%

interest the bank: € 280,292.70
share capital: € 260.000,00

miscellaneous costs € 2344.90

total cost of the loan: € 542,637.60

From this example shows that a bank (and here we talk about the best deals on the market today) asks PIU 'double the price of To grant the loan: a home that costs 260 thousand € 280 thousand € asks you to share-interests to be returned.

addition, to obtain a loan you have to give guarantees, those requests usually are:

- Guaranteed Income:
E 'to have a sufficient income for repayment of the principal paid. Usually, the maximum duration that is considered by the bank can fluctuate between 35 and 50% of household income.
- collateral:
The other guarantee offered to the bank for the disbursement of the loan is that you buy the property on which a mortgage is recorded 1st grade.
This means that in case of non-payment of loan installments to the bank, after giving notice to the borrower at the return of payments made, he may transfer the case to its legal department for recovery of credit up to the request to sell the goods at auction (and then you lose home).
The mortgages are usually made for a sum greater than the amount of the mortgage, and ranges from 150% to 250% of the amount required.

Well I guess many of you will already have a high level of bile to the nervousness in reading these figures, but hang in there for this other thing I am going to say.
Banks create the money you pay NOTHING FROM , with no real equivalent, that figure just by typing on their PCs computer.
know how they do it?
easily using the fractional reserve : the percentage of bank deposits that the bank is required by law to hold in the form of cash or assets readily convertible into cash, ie the set of accounting items that, as a proportion of deposits, a credit institution can not deliver. In Europe we have a reserve
fazionaria 2% as determined by ' Article 4 of Regulation 1745/2003 of the ECB.
This means that if you go to the bank to deposit € 1000 in your account, the bank has an obligation to "keep on hand " only 2% of that amount or 20 euro and pay the remaining 98% or 980 € to those who want a loan.
This is also called "multiplier bank" because compared to a rate of 2% of reserves the bank can get to pay up to 50 times as much: A deposit of € 100.00 € 5,000.00 generates, creating € 4,900.00 from nothing.

What are the consequences of this trick of the deposit-loan related to the fractional reserve banking:
- create money ex-nihilo
- claim by the buyer guarantees equal to 3 times the amount of the loan requested
- claim a share interest of \\ higher than the share capital (eg, but you get to borrow 100 undue 200)
- borrow the purchaser of a property to work for 1 / 3 of his day for 20-30-40 years of his life to pay the installments of the loan (always hoping that this has a job and a living standard that permits the payment of each installment until ' the debt)
- more if the buyer fails to pay the mortgage payments, the banks took possession of the house and sell it at auction, leaving the buyer with nothing in hand.

This is just one aspect of our banking system, in which the protagonists (the banks) enslave people, mostly unaware of the actual operation of monetary and banking mechanisms.
The ridge is that the buyer seems to be almost grateful that the operator of bank lending, without knowing that you are indebted for 30 years of his life by offering the sacrifice of his job, his savings, his time, all in exchange for a number typed on a computer.

The fractional reserve (secondary seignorage) is one of the reasons why:
1) if all depositors of a bank were marked with X is the counter to claim all the money into your bank account that they were not, simply because all that money THERE deposited into the coffers of the bank .
Try asking your bank manager: "What if tomorrow all depositors of this branch line up and want to collect your money? " I'm sure you would a vague answer and embarrassed, if you answer!
2) this can be explained by the increasing pressure to offer free online checking accounts and credit card \\ debit in the gift, because you want to manage all the money electronically so much easier for the banks, removing all paper money.

If you want to know more about searching the web: Seigniorage primary, secondary seigniorage, fractional reserve.

Salvatore Tamburro

Monday, February 28, 2011

Life Expectancy With 15% Heart Muscle

Molino Chiavazza Guardini and for a whole cake and cocoa

Ciaoooo! !
Finally after weeks I feel much better:) Here in Castellammare
It's cold today, cold and has not stopped raining for a moment :(((, so what better way to console if not a nice cake?? XD

E to make it I asked the help of two companies with which I am working ^ __ ^ .... the Guardini and Molino Chiavazza :)... and eventually find is this one ...

The cake is in fact made of chocolate cake for the preparation of Molino Chiavazza and I baked in a mold by the square of Guardini nice pink color that you can also find here .

CAKE WITH COCOA of Molino Chiavazza:
  • 430 g of prepared chocolate cake Molino Chiavazza
  • 3 eggs 125 g butter 150 g milk
Pour the mixture into a bowl cake contained in the big bag and add the other ingredients: butter, softened and cut into pieces eggs and milk. Working with an electric mixer for several minutes until dough is smooth and homogeneous. Butter the cake pan, pour the mixture and level off.
Bake at 170 degrees for 40-50 minutes.

There virtually offer a slice to all who follow me:) A big kiss ^ __ ^


Thursday, February 24, 2011

How Do I Know If My Period Is Over

Caio is either too good or too stupid - if RBS

Here's yet another case in which the bankers fail to wash their the hands of their "financial horrors" and all the blame to fall on the community. But as soon as things improve here that is reclaiming the wealth.
It 's the case of Royal Bank of Scotland that had been nationalized (yielding 74% to the British Treasury) due to a deficit of 6 billion pounds in 2009. Now for the year 2010, however, ended with a net operating profit of 1.9 billion pounds, that's incredible, the bankers are preparing a strategic plan to privatize , or bring her back in their hands. We
the usual: the bankers to the rule applies to nationalize the losses (when things go wrong) by fall the sacrifices on the community and privatize the profits (when things go well) to keep revenue strong in their pockets.
And all this is done with the complicity of governments, who distributes funds saving banks generated by the tax burden, ie through the money of citizens from paying taxes.
If the city could see a return on taxes paid in terms of improving public services offered would not be so bad, but to see their money spent to save private banks , cover the holes in the budget of these nationalization, then riconcederle back to the private bankers when earnings are generated here which then becomes i cittadini una presa in giro.
E' come se Tizio (il banchiere) giudando ubriaco facesse un incidente con la sua auto (la banca); Caio (lo Stato=noi) compra l'auto incidentata da Tizio, la ripara dal carrozziere a sue spese ed una volta che l'auto ritorna come nuova di zecca la riconsegna nelle mani di Tizio gratuitamente.
Caio o è troppo buono o è troppo idiota da non accorgersi della truffa.

Salvatore Tamburro

Tuesday, February 22, 2011

Flyer Templates For Golf Outing

The Cohousing: to live and share

Avete problemi economici a trovare casa, spaventati da prezzi di affitto troppo elevati per le vostre tasche o impossibilitati a chiedere un mutuo? Non avete problemi col vicinato e anzi siete disposti a condividere beni e servizi con altre persone, senza trascurare i propri spazi privati?
Bene allora il Cohousing potrebbe fare al caso vostro!
Nasce in Scandinavia negli anni 60, ed è a oggi diffuso specialmente in Danimarca, Svezia, Olanda, Inghilterra, Stati Uniti, Canada, Australia, Giappone.
Il cohousing è l’esperienza quotidiana di migliaia di persone in tutto il mondo che hanno scelto di vivere in una comunità residenziale a servizi condivisi.
Di solito un progetto di cohousing comprende dalle 20 alle 40 famiglie che convivono come una comunità di vicinato ( vicinato elettivo ) e gestiscono gli spazi comuni in modo collective and thereby obtain cost savings and benefits of ecological and social.
In practice, it forms a group, say 20 individuals, who are directly involved in the design of the "village" (block) which will live in choosing the services to be shared and how to handle them. They are divided in common spaces such as lounges, kitchen, bathroom, garage, wash, which can be used by all cohousers, but each also preserves its own private space and personal preference. The advantages
are of economic , because it saves the cost of living because it reduces waste, the use of external services, the cost of goods purchased collectively and social benefits of such , because you try to rediscover the lost dimension of social interaction, mutual support and good neighborliness. You could use the motto "unity is strength " and add "... and also saves." In cohousing
combine the concepts of car-sharing (car pool) and GAS (purchasing groups, or organize a group to save on cost of goods purchased in larger quantities and through choices for ' environment). In Italy the phenomenon
cohousing is still immature, little known, but there are sites that try to promote this lifestyle and try to gather in different cities
people involved.
In this scenario of high unemployment, loss of purchasing power of money, not possible to take out a loan, rents for apartments from the figures often unreasonable, this remains one of the cohousing alternative to be able to take into serious consideration.

If you are interested in the topic can find more information at these links:
- http://cohousing.it
- www.co- housing.it
- www.cohousingnumerozero.org

Salvatore Tamburro

Monday, February 21, 2011

How Long Does It Take To Get Results For Stds

Chatter Molino Chiavazza

Good afternoon!
Thank you so much to each of you for your messages, I am emorme a pleasure to read:) and I thank you for this affettto, I leave Chatter of the recipe, that of Anna Moroni, proposed to test the chef last week.

Chatter Anna Moroni:
  • 500 g flour 2 tablespoons sugar
  • 50 g butter 2 eggs
  • 50 g aniseed liqueur
  • grated rind of one lemon salt
  • white wine to taste peanut oil for frying
Work all the ingredients in a blender in the order adding the eggs, sugar, salt, lemon zest, anise and butter into small pieces. Mix well and then add flour.
Now you work for everything well with your hands until dough is smooth. If necessary add a little white wine, I've put a spoon but is optional.
Let the dough rest for half an hour.
Roll out the dough very thin and cut out the chatter. Then fry in hot oil and cover with plenty of icing sugar.

And before you say goodbye I want you to see wonderful products that I have paid homage to the "Molino Chiavazza"

Preparations for cakes, pudding, custard and chocolate mousse


As soon as I feel good, good, I'll definitely try some of these beautiful products:))
Now I greet you. A big kiss


Sunday, February 20, 2011

Is Batula Part From Birkenston Shoes

Thinking Salvador Allende

Salvador Allende , presidente del Cile dal 3 novembre 1970 fino alla destituzione violenta a seguito di un colpo di stato militare appoggiato dagli USA, avvenuta l'11 settembre 1973, giorno della sua morte.
Alcuni sostengono che si tolse la vita con un fucile regalatogli da Fidel Castro, mentre altri sostengono che fu ucciso dai golpisti di Pinochet (che salì al potere dopo di lui, appoggiato dagli americani, instaurando una " bella " dittatura militare) mentre difendeva il palazzo presidenziale.
Un anno prima di morire fece questo bellissimo discorso presso la conferenza dell'Organizzazioni delle Nazioni Unite:

" Ci troviamo in front of a real confrontation between the major international corporations and governments.
they suffer interference in fundamental decisions, political, economic and military by organizations worldwide that do not depend on any state.
for their activities do not conform to any government and are not under the control of any Parliament and no institution to represent the collective interest.
In short, the political structure of the world is going to be upset.
Large multinational companies not only take the interests of developing countries, but their uncontrolled action and also acts as a dominatrix in industrialized countries in cui hanno sede.
La fiducia in noi stessi, che incrementa la nostra fede nei grandi valori dell'umanità, ci dà la certezza che questi valori dovranno prevalere e non potranno essere distrutti. "

Parole queste pronunciate quasi quaranta anni fa e che si rivelano ancora oggi attualissime, dato lo scenario che abbiamo in cui istituzioni nazionali (vedi Bankitalia S.p.a.) e sovra-nazionali (vedi B.C.E., Fondo Monetario Internazionale, W.T.O., O.N.U. e multinazionali del petrolio, farmaceutiche, etc.), non elette e volute da alcun cittadino, dettano le regole che influenzano l'economia, la medicina, la legislazione e, quindi, la nostra vita senza lasciarci no say.
I " great values \u200b\u200bof humanity," as Allende describes them, must be preserved at all costs and not left to the mercy of the elite private, dedicated only to the pursuit of lucrative interests in speculating on the job, on misinformation and impotence of ordinary citizens.
E 'must learn about the actual structure of the socio-economic system in which we live, to investigate what are the hands that move the wires of the power and reach to a concrete realization. Only then will a change, a real change no longer be considered a mere utopia.

As Thomas Jefferson said (third President of the United States of America):

" People Should not Be Afraid of Their Governments. Governments Should Be Afraid Of Their People. "

" not the people have to be afraid of their governments, but Governments should be afraid of their people. "

Salvatore Tamburro

Wednesday, February 16, 2011

Mexico Average Breast Size

cioccocaffè cake with Guardini

Good afternoon!
I'm back here at last. How are you?? I'm not so good, unfortunately: (. You know when preparing for an exam week and the morning of the fateful day you wake up with a fever? Those who, like me, I believe that studying can understand ^ _ ^. So this morning I just happened this day ... I'm from a perennial sore throat and cough, and fever today also decided to join me xD ... so the result is that now we are free from books and study, as it is today was the last exam for this session, but unfortunately not as I want :((... those books that I would have liked to put aside today and not see there are still beautiful beautiful on my desk ... that official anger! !

xD Oh well we go to another ... so I get distracted!
Tonight I propose a cupcake that I did Saturday night.
I assure you that is the softest I've ever felt before;).
Recipe comes directly from the first issue of the collection of books School of Chocolate coming out this week, on newsstands, the magazine "Chi" ... and I obviously I have not made up the chance xD ^__^. .. really beautiful books and delicious recipes;)

So before proceeding with the recipe I wanted to let you know that the doses that we give here are twice those listed in the book;)

  • 200 g to make
  • 200 g sugar 240 g butter
  • 4 eggs 4 tablespoons milk
  • pieces of salt
  • a packet of yeast
  • coffee a large coffee (repeated twice)
  • 6 tablespoons unsweetened cocoa powder
to cream the butter and sugar, add beaten eggs, salt, flour and mix well. Incorporate ONLY 4 tablespoons cocoa, milk and yeast.
After a buttered baking dish, pour the mixture and cover with lightly sweetened coffee and joined the other two tablespoons of cocoa.
Bake at 170 degrees for 40 to 45 minutes.
was the first time I tried to make a cake with this procedure. You will see that during cooking the coffee will be absorbed by the mixture and the result will be a sweet fluffy. If
, producing sweet, a little coffee will be left on the bottom of the pan, use it to decorate the cake.

I used the mold for cakes Guardini line "Morgane" that you will find here along with many other products.

Mmm then I wanted to tell you two things.
First, to my surprise yesterday, I found out I won my first blog candy since I came here on Blogger :).... oh yes ... the blog candy is to Carla and I won the second prize :) .. so I also take this opportunity to thank Carla:).

Then I wanted to tell you the other day I finally got the goods the Molino de Chiavazza :) and these days I'll see what I have posted;)

And finally I wanted to invite you, if you have not already done so to join the new page Decorate on Facebook:). If you should find it here :) and there are also a preview of the new products of Easter 2011.