Thursday, February 24, 2011

How Do I Know If My Period Is Over

Caio is either too good or too stupid - if RBS

Here's yet another case in which the bankers fail to wash their the hands of their "financial horrors" and all the blame to fall on the community. But as soon as things improve here that is reclaiming the wealth.
It 's the case of Royal Bank of Scotland that had been nationalized (yielding 74% to the British Treasury) due to a deficit of 6 billion pounds in 2009. Now for the year 2010, however, ended with a net operating profit of 1.9 billion pounds, that's incredible, the bankers are preparing a strategic plan to privatize , or bring her back in their hands. We
the usual: the bankers to the rule applies to nationalize the losses (when things go wrong) by fall the sacrifices on the community and privatize the profits (when things go well) to keep revenue strong in their pockets.
And all this is done with the complicity of governments, who distributes funds saving banks generated by the tax burden, ie through the money of citizens from paying taxes.
If the city could see a return on taxes paid in terms of improving public services offered would not be so bad, but to see their money spent to save private banks , cover the holes in the budget of these nationalization, then riconcederle back to the private bankers when earnings are generated here which then becomes i cittadini una presa in giro.
E' come se Tizio (il banchiere) giudando ubriaco facesse un incidente con la sua auto (la banca); Caio (lo Stato=noi) compra l'auto incidentata da Tizio, la ripara dal carrozziere a sue spese ed una volta che l'auto ritorna come nuova di zecca la riconsegna nelle mani di Tizio gratuitamente.
Caio o è troppo buono o è troppo idiota da non accorgersi della truffa.

Salvatore Tamburro


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