Saturday, February 12, 2011

Pregnant Positive Sayings

Pertini If he were alive ...

If he were to receive Sandro Pertini Berlusconi yesterday afternoon at the Quirinale, instead of Napolitano, the would have kicked ass and had given some time series directives to leave the post of prime minister. Instead
Napolitano, awake just in firmare decreti " salva-corrotti ", ha ben pensato di invocare un " abbassamento dei toni, delle tensioni, altrimenti la legislatura è a rischio " .
Caro Napolitano, qui è la Costituzione e la pazienza degli Italiani che è a rischio, e abbiamo già travalicato tutti i limiti considerati ragionevoli per un essere umano.
Dove stanno l' Onestà e il Coraggio invocati da Pertini?
Abbiamo al governo un premier malato ed irresponsabile, siamo un Paese economicamente in ginocchio dove giungono ogni giorno decine e decine di richieste di fallimento da parte delle piccole-medie imprese, siamo ridicolizzati su tutta la stampa estera, siamo governati from 70-80 year old (from right to left) that have no ideas and no idea what it means to implement a political program that has real growth proposals for youth employment (youth unemployment as the record of 24.7%), we have a print National focuses on feasts of whores and whoremongers, parliamentary fascists as La Russa that kicking a reporter who asks questions "uncomfortable" and then continue to be slaves of the banks, following obsequiously in both Europe and the U.S. diktat imposed respectively by the very private ECB and Federal Reserve.
And we stand by and watch, helpless in this situation, no outrage. But then, just in time, when qualcuno potrebbe alzare la testa, che giunge la distrazione di massa astutamente programmata: la partita di calcio della squadra del cuore, l'arrivo diel festival di Sanremo in cui si deciderà quale sarà la valletta meglio vestita, il Grande Fratello e via con le solite distrazioni. E continuerà ad essere sempre così finchè l'italiano medio continuerà a vegetare sulla sua poltrona davanti a quella scatola nera chiamata televisione; finchè non deciderà di trovare le informazioni necessarie da altre fonti e per conto suo (senza aspettare che gli si vengano imboccate dai media di regime ); finchè non capirà che tutte le decisioni prese (e non prese) a partire dai consigli comunali della sua città signed up to by-laws affect his life in parliament, its welfare and its future, until intuirà the importance of being part of the res-publica, or to count and give weight to his thoughts via a referendum, public gatherings , public meetings, events calendar.

I wonder Pasolini what he wrote on the Italians at this precise moment in history, but the answer I think I guess. Until this
AWARENESS not happen, will also fall short in a government-berlusconi, but it will rise another (right or left makes no difference, so both remain " doormats" of the international bankers) who mesmerize the people about an alleged political and social change, will pretend to change everything to not change anything.
The desire to implement a change worthy of the name must begin with Young, who should advise all their indignation and to make a sound cultural and social revolution, without violence, but who is strong of his ideas for renewal.
must not allow the old whoremongers, ex-showgirls, fascist, corrupt and corrupting to make decisions that affect our present and our future, now that we're playing our lives, so it is now time to put field in all of our energies to make us feel and groped to change the tables.
There is a great big difference between Living and Surviving .

Salvatore Tamburro


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