Tuesday, February 22, 2011

Flyer Templates For Golf Outing

The Cohousing: to live and share

Avete problemi economici a trovare casa, spaventati da prezzi di affitto troppo elevati per le vostre tasche o impossibilitati a chiedere un mutuo? Non avete problemi col vicinato e anzi siete disposti a condividere beni e servizi con altre persone, senza trascurare i propri spazi privati?
Bene allora il Cohousing potrebbe fare al caso vostro!
Nasce in Scandinavia negli anni 60, ed è a oggi diffuso specialmente in Danimarca, Svezia, Olanda, Inghilterra, Stati Uniti, Canada, Australia, Giappone.
Il cohousing è l’esperienza quotidiana di migliaia di persone in tutto il mondo che hanno scelto di vivere in una comunità residenziale a servizi condivisi.
Di solito un progetto di cohousing comprende dalle 20 alle 40 famiglie che convivono come una comunità di vicinato ( vicinato elettivo ) e gestiscono gli spazi comuni in modo collective and thereby obtain cost savings and benefits of ecological and social.
In practice, it forms a group, say 20 individuals, who are directly involved in the design of the "village" (block) which will live in choosing the services to be shared and how to handle them. They are divided in common spaces such as lounges, kitchen, bathroom, garage, wash, which can be used by all cohousers, but each also preserves its own private space and personal preference. The advantages
are of economic , because it saves the cost of living because it reduces waste, the use of external services, the cost of goods purchased collectively and social benefits of such , because you try to rediscover the lost dimension of social interaction, mutual support and good neighborliness. You could use the motto "unity is strength " and add "... and also saves." In cohousing
combine the concepts of car-sharing (car pool) and GAS (purchasing groups, or organize a group to save on cost of goods purchased in larger quantities and through choices for ' environment). In Italy the phenomenon
cohousing is still immature, little known, but there are sites that try to promote this lifestyle and try to gather in different cities
people involved.
In this scenario of high unemployment, loss of purchasing power of money, not possible to take out a loan, rents for apartments from the figures often unreasonable, this remains one of the cohousing alternative to be able to take into serious consideration.

If you are interested in the topic can find more information at these links:
- http://cohousing.it
- www.co- housing.it
- www.cohousingnumerozero.org

Salvatore Tamburro


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