Sunday, February 13, 2011

L Carnitine And Adderall

The dignity of women in newspapers ... view

Today, February 13, 2011, he left the stage in Piazza del Popolo in Rome the cry of women "indignant "Today showed throughout Italy and abroad to reclaim the dignity of women.
The movement for the dignity 'of women was organized by the Committee If not now when" in Rome and more' than 230 City 'Italian, and quickly "infected" thirty Resorts' foreign, on the other side of the world.
At the event we were young and young mothers and poor, all united in expressing their disagreement with a government Berlusconi and in particular to a patient and now the brink of physical and mental, saying that the woman is not a banal object of desire, that meritocracy has no value nowadays, where you teach to make a career only if you offer your body for sexual services.
There is a thick slice of the women of Italy, which emphasizes the concept of dignity. Today
were there, together with the url slogans like " We want a country that respects all women .
Besides the beauty of the event, it is curious, however, pause to read the different newspapers:
- In "The Republic " reads the front page online:
" Over one million women in the square with " On
"Without The Daily " online on the first page are titled:
"In piazza Italy claimed his dignity. Events million men and women "

Note instead the pro-Berlusconi newspaper .
- on" the Journal's online Sallusti include:
" women on the streets with single target: the Cav " , quoting a comment from the Gelmini, which says on the show today: "This is the usual left-wing snob heroines who came out of their living rooms for groped women and to exploit the issue to attack a government that continues to have the confidence of the majority the Italians. "
- on" Free "online Belpietro NO news about the event.
- on" Il Foglio "online Giuliano Ferrara NO news, indeed remains on the front page the news of his show "In pants but alive, where Ferrari stands to champion defender of his employer, Silvio.

spoken of as an apolitical event seems to have been no party banners, but in the end, at least from what can be seen in the press, everything has always been a key aspect in politics. Who went to the event is considered for an anti-PDL-Berlusconi, who was home for a fan of the rider. The defense of the dignity
I do not think politicians should have color, is an ideal, a feeling that should belong to women and men as well as right, center and left.
This is the re-test the media, printing, newspapers are nothing more than the "party ramifications", ready to exploit any action of the people as for or against the government. The real information
in my opinion only circulates on the Internet through websites \\ independent blogs, and independent mean that they do not receive public or private funding of any kind, and therefore are not subject to the game-force political parties and multinationals.
Ariadne's Thread colleague political-media-public funding , as long as things remain the directors of these single logically newspapers will always be direct employees of the vertices of PD or PDL, and the citizen-reader will always deprived of truthful information, good, neutral.
When we start to turn off the TV and not buy newspapers -politicized, and maybe we will go to seek the true information on our behalf?

Salvatore Tamburro
(photo by Ada Palma)


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