Thursday, February 10, 2011

Strep Spots On Palate

Danes fuck it ... and do it well!

We make a point of the situation by reading the main news release today, February 10, 2011: the "trust" of Berlusconi, Minister Frattini Ruby wants to send the case-his master's under the lens of the European Court of Human Rights (no longer know what to invent to get away with it), introducing a tax on cinema, and the final scene of the movie " Caiman, "Nanni Moretti criticized by RAI in the" Talk to Me "hosted by Serena Dandini, the White House pretends to support the Egyptian Revolution and ordered to Mubarak to resign, when in reality you are manipulating the transition according to Israeli interests because nothing is changed in Egypt, a New York Republican congressman, Chris Lee, who for a photo shirtless in chat is forced to resign.
Well, I have not found a single article on the national newspapers that the Danish State had taken control of a regional bank, based in Copenhagen, which had declared its bankruptcy .
As mentioned here " Danish State took over yesterday (02/07/2011) control of a regional bank, the Amagerbanken , based in Copenhagen. The bank had declared its bankruptcy on Sunday night, undermined by the weight of high-risk investments, mainly related to the housing market, which was made before the financial crisis that erupted in 2008. "
You may wonder, where is the bombshell?
lies in the fact that this time saving is not got no piece of any state fund (at taxpayer expense of course) that, by preventing the blatant failure of the institution, allowing the bank to continue undisturbed and without blame their job.
Indeed, instead of loading everything on the public debt exhausting the resources of public spending (health, schools and transport!, etc..) simply has decided to share at least part of the losses to investors, especially to the "wealthy .
It 's a Danish found this unusual, which could (with some accortenze) to be followed also by the Irish people, tired of having to comply with the agreements with the EU / ECB / IMF and be forced to toil for about 100 years just to repay disasters made by speculators creative finance. That case is
Amagerbanken an example for all, with the hope that in the event of bankruptcy of a bank, its managers are required to pay, instead of spreading the saving on the shoulders of citizens.

Salvatore Tamburro


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