Monday, February 14, 2011

What Happened To Cody From Corbin Fisher

live without money? E 'can

Mark Boyle, 31, is an English guy who for more than two years (from November 2008 to be precise) decided to live WITHOUT MONEY and succeeds very well, meeting all their basic needs.
E 'appointed the no money man.
businessman Mark Boyle is a former branch of organic farming, with a degree in economics and staunch supporter of the close connection between happiness and the environment.
His experience led him two years ago to decide to free themselves from the problem of money, explaining that his old life does not lack stress, bills and accounts payable.
vegetarian for six years already, it feeds the plants that grow hour to produce electricity with a solar panel, has a phone that uses incoming calls only and a notebook that is powered by solar energy.
It all started in a pub, says Boyle, " My friend and I were talking about all world problems such as labor exploitation, environmental destruction, factory farming, animal testing and wars for energy resources. I understand that they were all in one way or another, connected to money. So I decided to give up the money. I sold my house floating in Bristol and I left my job in a company of organic food .
If you think the money should be a means to facilitate our trade in goods / services in everyday life: move from point A to point B, buy food, find a roof to sleep.
have the money to meet these basic needs makes for a job (rare to find and keep these days), which in turn compels the individual to deprive himself of 8-10 hours of his life (1 / 3 of his day at least) and dedicated to performing a task.
And if these basic needs were met in any other way?
In 2007 he founded the Boyle Freeconomy Community, a community that promotes the sharing of skills and property and which now has 28,503 members in 154 countries, share responsibilities 404,600, 82,749 and 454 space instruments.
The philosophy of the community is this: sell the goods that otherwise thrown away and your skills (repair shoes, make tables, taught to play guitar), and in return ask the community with goods / services you need, all this is done without the use of money.

Before Freeconomy Community, it should be noted, however, the project Freecycle, an interesting movement, which then spread throughout the world that aims to reduce the environmental impact of things we use. Their motto is: Changing the world one gift at a time.
The Freecycle network, based in Arizona, is composed of nearly 5,000 groups and over 8 million members in 85 countries around the world.
E 'entirely nonprofit movement of people and exchange recycle items for free.
Freecycle exists in several Italian cities like Rome, Milan, Bologna, Napoli and Lecce, even though the project still on key restricted as it is little known.
Mark Boyle is certainly a living example of an alternative life. He now says so happy to want to continue on this path and if you ask him: "What I learned ? " Mark says, " that friendship, not money, is the real security. What poverty is the westernmost of a spiritual kind. that the independence and interdependence really. "
If the world could understand that the money is anxious to accumulate so much after hours and hours behind a desk or a factory is not even his own (see " seigniorage scam"), maybe you begin to think more concretely to alternative lifestyles and as happy as Mark Boyle, "the no money man" .
If you are curious to find this link to a video interview with Mark Boyle about his lifestyle.

Salvatore Tamburro


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