Monday, January 31, 2011

Nikon 4x32 Rimfire Scope

cones of pastry filled with custard!

Good evening next to blog xD ^ __ ^ I told? all right??
How did the week?? I pretty well apart from a cough and a sore throat that you are loyal to me and not want to leave: (( ufffff xD ... and then study, study and always studiooo ... I can not wait to pass this exam
^ __ ^ Thank goodness there's my blog and my sweet passion that allows me to relax a bit:)
And tonight I'll see what I made yesterday and Sunday ^__^... candy cones are made with puff pastry and stuffed with lemon cream or coffee cream.
cream recipe my mother gave it to me, is a bit different from the traditional cream because she uses the eggs;), but it is good;)

  • 1 roll of puff pastry
  • granulated sugar 1 egg to taste
icing sugar for the lemon cream:
  • 500 g of milk
  • 2 eggs 2 tablespoons sugar 4 tablespoons flour
  • pieces of salt
  • lemon peel
for coffee cream:
  • 110 g of coffee
  • 140 g of milk
  • 1 egg 60 g sugar 40 g flour
To cut the puff pastry cones many large Test Strip from 2.5 to 3 cm and wrap each strip around the appropriate cones (buttered). Because I find it hard to explain in words how in this, I leave you the link of the site Giallozafferano which explains step by step through the pictures xD ... so check here .
Once formed, each cone brush with beaten egg and sprinkle with sugar.
cones Cook in a preheated oven at 180 degrees for 15 minutes or at least until they are well browned.

Meanwhile, prepare the two creams and let them cool down for good.
Once the cones are cooked, allow it to cool before attempting to remove them from the forms.
fill with cream and decorated with icing sugar.
I have added to those of the cherries with the lemon cream. ;)

PS: I just roll with puff pastry I've made 6 because I was only 6 cone molds, but they are also wanting more;)

liked the photos??
I have fun doing it xD :))))

Hello hello. Gloria

Wednesday, January 26, 2011

How To Diaper Genie Old

carrot cake and almond cake

I'm back here at last! :)
Forgive my absence but I am in full session exams and the time to devote to the sweet is never very :(((.
I can not wait to pass this time because I just want to make so many good things and nice:) and who are waiting for some parcels by major companies ^__^!!! but do not want to anticipate anything xD ... when they get the gifts that I have promised you will see all ;)!!!
Meanwhile, these days I took a little break from studying xD, I was in Rome for the graduation of a friend and I took the opportunity to shoot a little town ... always wonderful !!!*__*.... and Sunday, I also found time to make a cake that I have seen on TV, Anna Moroni, a few weeks ago. I had written the recipe, as always xD, and I was just curious to try it:) so I really tried! This is the
carrot cake and almonds.
I love the carrot cake and if you want find my recipe here, what and with whom I always found myself always good, so I said why not try it with the almonds. How

pan I used the silicone mold "Sun and Moon" of Pedrini line "The lillotte" .
Ah I suggest you take a look at their site because they have created a line of pots and pans "Hello Kitty" just too nice ^__^.
The mold used by me is this:

If you like to feel as comfortable shopping online can go here ;)

  • 300 g grated carrots
  • 300 g almond flour or finely ground almonds
  • 200
  • g sugar 90 g flour 6 eggs
  • pieces of salt grated rind of one lemon and a few drops of juice
  • a sachet of baking powder
First you need to chop carrots or just grate .
Then separate the yolks from the whites until stiff and mount it. Working
the egg yolks with sugar, a pinch of salt, then add carrots and finely chopped almonds. Mix well, add the sifted flour, then lemon and baking powder.
Finally incorporate the egg whites and turn without removing them.
Bake at 170 degrees for 50 minutes.

Well try it and let me know if you liked it! :) Now I greet you and
, study permits, I hope to update the blog soon ^ __ ^
Hello hello and thanks again to all who passed through here to browse *__*!!!


Monday, January 17, 2011

Congratulations With Pregnancy

Letter from the son of a laborer

Just at a time like this time, in which the Fiat workers have signed circuits sterile unions, an agreement that probably does nothing but prolong an end now certain of this automobile company (at least within the Italian border), I think it is fair to quote a letter by a family, a son, to be precise, who lives near the feelings, atmosphere, good and evil of this "class struggle".
report here the words of Luca Mazzucco , the son of a Fiat worker, in a letter addressed to the father. His sentences do not understand how globalization has only served to make the "numbers", "non-cash components of remuneration", forgetting that the "production units" are not things, inanimate objects, but are human beings, capable of nurture feelings, emotions, sadness, joy.

(Luca Mazzucco):
"I came back from a few hours, I saw for the first time, he was tall, handsome, strong and smelled like oil and steel. For years I saw him get up at four in the morning , climb on his bicycle and disappeared into the fog of Turin, in the direction of the factory. I saw him fall asleep on the couch, destroyed by hours of work and alienated from the production of thousands of pieces, all the same, imposed by the piece.

I saw happy to spend their free time with his children and wife.

I saw him suffer, when he told me that his salary would not let me attend college.

I've seen it humbled, when he was offered an increase of 100 pounds per hour of work.

I've seen destroyed, when aged 53, a factory manager told him he was too old for their needs.

I've seen managers and industry increasingly seek to raise the working age, I saw economists encourage the globalization of money, but forget about the globalization of rights, I've seen editors say that the workers no longer existed, I have seen politicians ask workers to make sacrifices for the good of the country, saw trade unionists say that modernity requires going back. But I missed the air, when Monday, July 26, 2010, "La Stampa" of Turin, I read the editorial of Prof. Mario Deaglio. In the statement of the professor, the "rights of workers" become "non-cash components of remuneration", the "defense of workplace had to be replaced by a volatile " guarantee the continuity of opportunities to work , but especially il lavoratore , i cui salari erano ormai ridotti al minimo, non necessitava più del "tempo libero in cui spendere quei salari", ma doveva solo pensare a soddisfare le maggiori richieste della controparte (teoria ripetuta dal Prof. Deaglio a Radio 24 tra le 17,30 e la 18,00 di Martedì 27 luglio 2010). Pensare che un uomo di cultura, pur con tutte le argomentazioni di cui è capace, arrivi a sostenere che il tempo libero di un operaio non abbia alcun valore, perché non è correlato al denaro, mi ha tolto l'aria.

Sono salito sull'auto costruita dagli operai della Mirafiori di Torino.

Sono corso to my parents' house, I saw for the umpteenth time. It was curved, the labyrinthitis caused by million rounds of press , made him stagger, he was weak from heart disease, was my father, a worker at the press shop , for 35 years , in which he had sacrificed everything but free time with his family, that was free.

smelled of dignity. "

I recommend a video from the film" Mondays in the Sun "

Salvatore Tamburro

Monday, January 10, 2011

How To Find Out If Trapezius Muscle Is Injured

Moroni's day and night with the ... Pedrini! For

Ciaoooo! Before proposing
the recipe a lot but tonight I want to thank very much for the comments and cmplimenti I left here in the blog ... thank you very much! *______*
... it feels so good every time open the stats page and find the numerino of daily visits is growing more and more comments left by you:)
then I am a really curious and I'm there every little peek at my ihihi ^___^... daily statistics but I bet that you also true? xD

Okay now we come to today ... the cupcake recipe that I propose is not really new here on the blog ^ ^ but it was one of the first I've posted at the beginning, and since yesterday I thought I did it again of riproporvelo xD
And 'the cake "day and night" of Paneageli ... a recipe with which I have always found good ;).... is really good:) check it out !!!;)
I made it using a different mold of Pedrini line "The Lillotte" ... the mold bloom:).

If you want you can buy the mold here:)

CAKE "Blues" of Paneangeli:
  • 250
  • g flour 220 g sugar 150 g butter
  • 3 eggs 1 tablespoon baking
  • 2 / 3 tablespoons milk 40 g cocoa
pieces of salt in the butter cream with 200 g of sugar, eggs, salt, flour and baking powder. Mix everything well and separate the dough into two equal parts, add in cocoa, sugar and remaining milk.
Place the dough in the pan by placing two white one first and then the chocolate, mixing and matching leggerente with a fork.
Bake at 170 degrees for 40-45 minutes. WARNING though, because if, like me, use a silicone mold, the sweet it takes less to cook;) so as soon as you smell means it is cooked;).


Friday, January 7, 2011

Wedding Decoration Tree Branches

enough candy to the Italians

In Italy catches the eye of the increase in unemployment among young : the rate stood at 28.9%, an increase of 2.4 points compared to November 2009. And 'the record level beginning of time series in January 2004. According to calculations
Adusbef and Federconsumatori , including price increases of food, petrol, rates, insurance and banking services, the 2011 will be an "unhappy years" , with an impact of € 1,016 per year per family.
The largest families that will weigh on the food, with annual increases of € 267, or 6%. Following are the fuels for which, in the wake of expected increases in oil (you give it for granted a rally up to $ 100 per barrel) spending increase of no less than 131 € a year.

This is the Italian situation, where the polls do understand how PD and PDL have become parties to old, translating the gap more and more marked among young people, students, unemployed people from the two main blocks of the policy.
is not a trivial matter, and now that is confirmed by data Because it means that "right" and "left" are proving UNABLE to meet the needs of future generations, who see no job opportunities in this country, forced to choose between two paths: do the "maintained" ( still hoping there's a family behind) up to 40-45 years in which it is estimated will find their independence, or opt for escape abroad. In

belpaese has not arrived yet bleak and bitter wind that called indignation ", or that feeling of anger or revolt that the community should try when it is brought to its knees by the absence of hopes, ideals, perspectives future. Yet we are content that after our football team has won the heart Sunday, which always transmits the Big Brother TV program and some other crazy, we can still afford to eat a pizza with friends on Saturday night, but yet it seems to go all over again well.
But no, not good. We are on the threshold of the abyss and we're going to fall into it without realizing it and without taking action. In Tunisia

for about three weeks there are continuous clashes between youths and police. The spark was generated with the story about Mohamed Bou'azizi it was a 26 year old graduate without a steady job, had a stall in Sidi Bouzid, Tunisia, in which selling fruit and vegetables without permission, in an attempt to help his family. On December 17, 2010 the police confiscated all his goods, and an agent slaps him in front of passers-by. Bou'azizi tries vainly to protest, but the agents are shown inflexible and leave.
Hence the desperate gesture of themselves on fire. The young man, torn from burns, died Jan. 5, 2011 in a hospital bed. That gesture
scandal shook the entire nation of Tunisia, and soon they widen the popular uprisings in the region of Sidi Bouzid and surrounding areas, with clashes are continuing, even today, in the blood. Same thing in

Algeria : does not stop the protest began Tuesday in the wake of the recent price increases of food consumption is high. New demonstrations were held in almost the whole country: in several districts of Algiers violent clashes occurred between police and protesters, who have burned cars and looted shops.
the root of the unrest, the soaring prices of basic food essentials: oil and sugar have risen last week by more than 20%. It spreads the fear of the possible lack of bread. The

discontent is widespread, the economic crisis affects a bit 'all. But I wonder why people respond to different times and methods that suffer oppression?
will be a cultural, historical, genetic?
But no, everything is probably due to the skill of "regime , who sits in power at that particular time, knowing how best lobotomize the psyche of its citizens, offering them candy so give sweets to forget the bitter around the world in which they are immersed. " not want any more sweets, roses and violins this evening to tell them another " Mina sang in " Words, words, words ", but Italians, good people, they are still children who are content to feed only sweet candy, and do nothing or little to change the diet.

Salvatore Tamburro

Poem For My Pregnant Sister

Epiphany ... gelèes lemon candy!

CIAOOO friends and not just for bloggers! ^ __ ^
First I would like to thank you for the visits to my blog is increasing more and more:), as well as my supporters and fans of my fanpage on Facebook *__*... I'm really happy about all this:))) So
I started this blog by accident and after a few months is already giving me so much satisfaction :)... and between them comes from the last Guardini which has accepted the collaboration with my blog:)

I invite you to take a look at their site where you will find many excellent products for cooking in the oven and great ideas and tools to make good food but also beautiful to see;)
Maybe when I come to pay tribute to them I'll see what I have left;)

meantime I want to show what I prepared for the Epiphany xD I had
prepare the shield to my boyfriend who is crazy about the lemon drops, and soft ^ ^, and then I said "Why not try to do it myself rather than pay him quietly to buy?? "... At the end of the gifts made by us are also the most beautiful and most appreciated;) right??
Then I tried really xD
I came across this post of the blog" Farina, yeast and fantasy "and I modified the recipe a bit xD. The original one provided for the strawberry juice and I tried to replace it with the juice of the lemon juice.
The result is not bad for the first time only. . I noticed that the day after they are softened a little bit more ^ ^ But my boyfriend has appreciated very much and says he likes:)
Ah ... something that would keep to clarify .. of course it is always home-made sweets with lemon juice, and no preservatives and the like, so I do not think they can be stored for a long ^__^... maybe a week, but no more. If you already know something more about me you know;).

  • 200 g sugar 3 sheets of gelatin (12 g)
  • 2 tablespoons orange juice 10 tablespoons
  • lemon juice
Soak the gelatin sheets for at least 10 minutes. Meanwhile, bring to boil lo zucchero con il succo di arancia e quello di limone. Lasciar bollire e far sciogliere lo zucchero.
A fuoco spento aggiungere i fogli di gelatina e farla sciogliere completamente.
Mettere il composto negli stampini, io ho usato quelli per cioccolatini della Silikomart ^_^, e lasciare in frigo per almeno due ore.
Una volta tolte le caramelle dal frigo ricopritele di zucchero e incartatele come più vi piace ^__^.

I have the first wrapped in a little bit of paper for food and then closed in this colored paper ^ __ ^

So, what do you say? ? If you know other ways to make good candy in the house let me know ^ __ ^
Hello hello

Wednesday, January 5, 2011

Stillman & Archie Cream

Struffoli Salvatore De Riso

Mmmm this morning in view of the Epiphany a recipe I want to offer signed by the legendary Salvatore De Riso :)))) I'm talking about
Struffoli, typical Neapolitan cakes in my area in these holidays ^ _ ^
To be honest, I do not really like xD because honey, but they should try ^ ^.
My mother prepares them each year with its own recipe but this year we decided to try this that Salvatore De Riso submitted to "Try the chef":) I know that the recipes
Sal you like:) so I was glad to post it here on the blog so in case you missed it, it's all here for you:)

Struffoli Salvatore De Riso :
  • 500 g of flour
  • 8 g salt dissolved in a little water
  • 50 g sugar 50 g of white wine
  • vanilla 4 eggs 60 g butter
  • grated orange peel
  • honey oil for frying (enough to season)
  • colored sprinkles to taste cherries and candied citron
In a bowl, begin to knead the flour with salt, sugar, wine, vanilla and 2 eggs.
Mix well and then add the orange peel, the other 2 eggs and butter into small pieces. Work it all by hand until smooth un'impasto and let rest in refrigerator for 2 hours.
spent two hours the dough into noodles and many many balls will not cut too large. Fry them in plenty of hot oil. Finally, our season just
struffoli with honey in a bowl (preferably a little loose in a water bath), and colored sprinkles if you like cherries and candied citron.
Enjoy your meal and Epiphany ^ __ ^


Monday, January 3, 2011

Examples Of Saltwater Fish

First post of 2011 with the Pedrini!

CIAOOO! I'm back here with the first post of 2011:)
Auguroniiiii to you all!
The holidays are about to end but I still have some Christmas recipe, which I did in those days, to offer you ^ __ ^ and I will slowly these days;)
Meanwhile, I have decided to begin the new year ushering a product that I paid tribute to the Pedrini, and on this occasion I chose the ring mold shaped line "The lillotte" silicone, comfortable and colorful:)
I decided to do a simple trick for breakfast these days ... the cake Margherita.
The original recipe was to "cooked and eaten," but I have made some changes ^ __ ^ (unfortunately, often have a habit of upsetting some recipes ... xò xD I have to say that it has come good; )
Fotina Meanwhile, I'll show you a cake with the stamp of Pedrini:

here If you want to find this and other tools of the line "The Lillot" of Pedrini be purchased online as well:)

sponge cake:
  • 4 eggs 150 g sugar 100 g flour
  • 100 g of starch (I had none and I have chosen to 200 g plain flour)
  • 200 g of butter (I put only 100 g)
  • a packet of yeast
  • pieces of salt
  • grated orange peel just a little more juice
Separate the yolks from the egg whites and place in a bowl of egg whites with a pinch of salt and half the sugar and yolks in another bowl with the other half of sugar. Then combine the two mixtures and add the flour sieved, melted butter and orange peel. Finally, the sieved yeast.
I also added about 60 grams of chocolate chips nell'mpasto while cooking on the bottom are finished creating this layer of chocolate on top of the cake ^__^.
Bake at 170 degrees for 40-45 minutes.

And after this recipe quickie greet you again soon;)

Saturday, January 1, 2011

Ovarian Cysts And Sore Breasts

I want every morning is for me a Happy New Year

January, all ready to wish you the best in the year to come, trying to forget the bad things that happened in the past year, making plans for future, listening to the astrologer can offer a hope of trust on our satisfactory version zodiac sign, calling relatives that we love to hear unofficially only during the holidays for the sake of kinship and a whole series of formal gestures that are repeated between Christmas and New Year . Missing Easter and now this ordeal is over. Among
a formality and atra leave you the words of Antonio Gramsci about his vision for the new year, a tribute to the rebirth of staff, leaving aside the rituals and history that they lose a sense of continuity of life.

Every morning when I wake up still under the hood of the sky, I feel that for me is New Year. because I hate New Year's Eve with a fixed maturity that make life and the human spirit a trading company with its good balance sheet, and its budget and the budget for the new management. They lose a sense of continuity of life and spirit. You end up seriously believe that in years and years there is a solution of continuity and a news story that begins, and you make resolutions and we repent of nonsense, and so on. etc.. It is generally a wrong dates. They say that history is the backbone of the story, and it may be accepted. But we must also admit that there are four or five key dates, which any decent person keeps stuck in the brain, who played the tricks to the story. They are also the New Year. The new year of Roman history, or the Middle Ages, or the modern age. And they became so intrusive and so fossilizzanti we surprise ourselves sometimes to think that life has begun in Italy in 752, and that the 1490 or 1492, are like mountains that humanity has spread suddenly emerging into a new world, entering a new life. So the date it becomes a burden, a guardrail that prevents us from seeing that the story continues to unfold with the same basic line unchanged, without any sudden stops, as when the tear film to the cinema and has a range of dazzling light. because I hate the new year. I want every morning is a new year for me. Every day I deal with myself, and renewed every day. No day planned for the rest. Stops me choose me, when I'm drunk with busy lives and want to take a dip in the animal in order to draw new strength. No spiritual joists. Every hour of my life I was new, while referring back to the delay. No day of triumph in rhymes group, in common with all the strangers who do not interest me. Why did they acclaim the grandparents of our grandparents and so on., Should we feel the need of the blaze. All that stomach. Appearance socialism for this reason. Why scaraventerà nell'immondezzaio all these dates that they no longer have any resonance in our minds, and it will create others, will be at least ours, and not those that we accept without benefit of inventory by our ancestors sciocchissimi.

(Antonio Gramsci, "Next!", Ed. Turin book "Under the mole", January 1, 1916.)

Salvatore Tamburro