Friday, January 7, 2011

Poem For My Pregnant Sister

Epiphany ... gelèes lemon candy!

CIAOOO friends and not just for bloggers! ^ __ ^
First I would like to thank you for the visits to my blog is increasing more and more:), as well as my supporters and fans of my fanpage on Facebook *__*... I'm really happy about all this:))) So
I started this blog by accident and after a few months is already giving me so much satisfaction :)... and between them comes from the last Guardini which has accepted the collaboration with my blog:)

I invite you to take a look at their site where you will find many excellent products for cooking in the oven and great ideas and tools to make good food but also beautiful to see;)
Maybe when I come to pay tribute to them I'll see what I have left;)

meantime I want to show what I prepared for the Epiphany xD I had
prepare the shield to my boyfriend who is crazy about the lemon drops, and soft ^ ^, and then I said "Why not try to do it myself rather than pay him quietly to buy?? "... At the end of the gifts made by us are also the most beautiful and most appreciated;) right??
Then I tried really xD
I came across this post of the blog" Farina, yeast and fantasy "and I modified the recipe a bit xD. The original one provided for the strawberry juice and I tried to replace it with the juice of the lemon juice.
The result is not bad for the first time only. . I noticed that the day after they are softened a little bit more ^ ^ But my boyfriend has appreciated very much and says he likes:)
Ah ... something that would keep to clarify .. of course it is always home-made sweets with lemon juice, and no preservatives and the like, so I do not think they can be stored for a long ^__^... maybe a week, but no more. If you already know something more about me you know;).

  • 200 g sugar 3 sheets of gelatin (12 g)
  • 2 tablespoons orange juice 10 tablespoons
  • lemon juice
Soak the gelatin sheets for at least 10 minutes. Meanwhile, bring to boil lo zucchero con il succo di arancia e quello di limone. Lasciar bollire e far sciogliere lo zucchero.
A fuoco spento aggiungere i fogli di gelatina e farla sciogliere completamente.
Mettere il composto negli stampini, io ho usato quelli per cioccolatini della Silikomart ^_^, e lasciare in frigo per almeno due ore.
Una volta tolte le caramelle dal frigo ricopritele di zucchero e incartatele come più vi piace ^__^.

I have the first wrapped in a little bit of paper for food and then closed in this colored paper ^ __ ^

So, what do you say? ? If you know other ways to make good candy in the house let me know ^ __ ^
Hello hello


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