Friday, January 7, 2011

Wedding Decoration Tree Branches

enough candy to the Italians

In Italy catches the eye of the increase in unemployment among young : the rate stood at 28.9%, an increase of 2.4 points compared to November 2009. And 'the record level beginning of time series in January 2004. According to calculations
Adusbef and Federconsumatori , including price increases of food, petrol, rates, insurance and banking services, the 2011 will be an "unhappy years" , with an impact of € 1,016 per year per family.
The largest families that will weigh on the food, with annual increases of € 267, or 6%. Following are the fuels for which, in the wake of expected increases in oil (you give it for granted a rally up to $ 100 per barrel) spending increase of no less than 131 € a year.

This is the Italian situation, where the polls do understand how PD and PDL have become parties to old, translating the gap more and more marked among young people, students, unemployed people from the two main blocks of the policy.
is not a trivial matter, and now that is confirmed by data Because it means that "right" and "left" are proving UNABLE to meet the needs of future generations, who see no job opportunities in this country, forced to choose between two paths: do the "maintained" ( still hoping there's a family behind) up to 40-45 years in which it is estimated will find their independence, or opt for escape abroad. In

belpaese has not arrived yet bleak and bitter wind that called indignation ", or that feeling of anger or revolt that the community should try when it is brought to its knees by the absence of hopes, ideals, perspectives future. Yet we are content that after our football team has won the heart Sunday, which always transmits the Big Brother TV program and some other crazy, we can still afford to eat a pizza with friends on Saturday night, but yet it seems to go all over again well.
But no, not good. We are on the threshold of the abyss and we're going to fall into it without realizing it and without taking action. In Tunisia

for about three weeks there are continuous clashes between youths and police. The spark was generated with the story about Mohamed Bou'azizi it was a 26 year old graduate without a steady job, had a stall in Sidi Bouzid, Tunisia, in which selling fruit and vegetables without permission, in an attempt to help his family. On December 17, 2010 the police confiscated all his goods, and an agent slaps him in front of passers-by. Bou'azizi tries vainly to protest, but the agents are shown inflexible and leave.
Hence the desperate gesture of themselves on fire. The young man, torn from burns, died Jan. 5, 2011 in a hospital bed. That gesture
scandal shook the entire nation of Tunisia, and soon they widen the popular uprisings in the region of Sidi Bouzid and surrounding areas, with clashes are continuing, even today, in the blood. Same thing in

Algeria : does not stop the protest began Tuesday in the wake of the recent price increases of food consumption is high. New demonstrations were held in almost the whole country: in several districts of Algiers violent clashes occurred between police and protesters, who have burned cars and looted shops.
the root of the unrest, the soaring prices of basic food essentials: oil and sugar have risen last week by more than 20%. It spreads the fear of the possible lack of bread. The

discontent is widespread, the economic crisis affects a bit 'all. But I wonder why people respond to different times and methods that suffer oppression?
will be a cultural, historical, genetic?
But no, everything is probably due to the skill of "regime , who sits in power at that particular time, knowing how best lobotomize the psyche of its citizens, offering them candy so give sweets to forget the bitter around the world in which they are immersed. " not want any more sweets, roses and violins this evening to tell them another " Mina sang in " Words, words, words ", but Italians, good people, they are still children who are content to feed only sweet candy, and do nothing or little to change the diet.

Salvatore Tamburro


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