Monday, January 17, 2011

Congratulations With Pregnancy

Letter from the son of a laborer

Just at a time like this time, in which the Fiat workers have signed circuits sterile unions, an agreement that probably does nothing but prolong an end now certain of this automobile company (at least within the Italian border), I think it is fair to quote a letter by a family, a son, to be precise, who lives near the feelings, atmosphere, good and evil of this "class struggle".
report here the words of Luca Mazzucco , the son of a Fiat worker, in a letter addressed to the father. His sentences do not understand how globalization has only served to make the "numbers", "non-cash components of remuneration", forgetting that the "production units" are not things, inanimate objects, but are human beings, capable of nurture feelings, emotions, sadness, joy.

(Luca Mazzucco):
"I came back from a few hours, I saw for the first time, he was tall, handsome, strong and smelled like oil and steel. For years I saw him get up at four in the morning , climb on his bicycle and disappeared into the fog of Turin, in the direction of the factory. I saw him fall asleep on the couch, destroyed by hours of work and alienated from the production of thousands of pieces, all the same, imposed by the piece.

I saw happy to spend their free time with his children and wife.

I saw him suffer, when he told me that his salary would not let me attend college.

I've seen it humbled, when he was offered an increase of 100 pounds per hour of work.

I've seen destroyed, when aged 53, a factory manager told him he was too old for their needs.

I've seen managers and industry increasingly seek to raise the working age, I saw economists encourage the globalization of money, but forget about the globalization of rights, I've seen editors say that the workers no longer existed, I have seen politicians ask workers to make sacrifices for the good of the country, saw trade unionists say that modernity requires going back. But I missed the air, when Monday, July 26, 2010, "La Stampa" of Turin, I read the editorial of Prof. Mario Deaglio. In the statement of the professor, the "rights of workers" become "non-cash components of remuneration", the "defense of workplace had to be replaced by a volatile " guarantee the continuity of opportunities to work , but especially il lavoratore , i cui salari erano ormai ridotti al minimo, non necessitava più del "tempo libero in cui spendere quei salari", ma doveva solo pensare a soddisfare le maggiori richieste della controparte (teoria ripetuta dal Prof. Deaglio a Radio 24 tra le 17,30 e la 18,00 di Martedì 27 luglio 2010). Pensare che un uomo di cultura, pur con tutte le argomentazioni di cui è capace, arrivi a sostenere che il tempo libero di un operaio non abbia alcun valore, perché non è correlato al denaro, mi ha tolto l'aria.

Sono salito sull'auto costruita dagli operai della Mirafiori di Torino.

Sono corso to my parents' house, I saw for the umpteenth time. It was curved, the labyrinthitis caused by million rounds of press , made him stagger, he was weak from heart disease, was my father, a worker at the press shop , for 35 years , in which he had sacrificed everything but free time with his family, that was free.

smelled of dignity. "

I recommend a video from the film" Mondays in the Sun "

Salvatore Tamburro


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