Saturday, January 1, 2011

Ovarian Cysts And Sore Breasts

I want every morning is for me a Happy New Year

January, all ready to wish you the best in the year to come, trying to forget the bad things that happened in the past year, making plans for future, listening to the astrologer can offer a hope of trust on our satisfactory version zodiac sign, calling relatives that we love to hear unofficially only during the holidays for the sake of kinship and a whole series of formal gestures that are repeated between Christmas and New Year . Missing Easter and now this ordeal is over. Among
a formality and atra leave you the words of Antonio Gramsci about his vision for the new year, a tribute to the rebirth of staff, leaving aside the rituals and history that they lose a sense of continuity of life.

Every morning when I wake up still under the hood of the sky, I feel that for me is New Year. because I hate New Year's Eve with a fixed maturity that make life and the human spirit a trading company with its good balance sheet, and its budget and the budget for the new management. They lose a sense of continuity of life and spirit. You end up seriously believe that in years and years there is a solution of continuity and a news story that begins, and you make resolutions and we repent of nonsense, and so on. etc.. It is generally a wrong dates. They say that history is the backbone of the story, and it may be accepted. But we must also admit that there are four or five key dates, which any decent person keeps stuck in the brain, who played the tricks to the story. They are also the New Year. The new year of Roman history, or the Middle Ages, or the modern age. And they became so intrusive and so fossilizzanti we surprise ourselves sometimes to think that life has begun in Italy in 752, and that the 1490 or 1492, are like mountains that humanity has spread suddenly emerging into a new world, entering a new life. So the date it becomes a burden, a guardrail that prevents us from seeing that the story continues to unfold with the same basic line unchanged, without any sudden stops, as when the tear film to the cinema and has a range of dazzling light. because I hate the new year. I want every morning is a new year for me. Every day I deal with myself, and renewed every day. No day planned for the rest. Stops me choose me, when I'm drunk with busy lives and want to take a dip in the animal in order to draw new strength. No spiritual joists. Every hour of my life I was new, while referring back to the delay. No day of triumph in rhymes group, in common with all the strangers who do not interest me. Why did they acclaim the grandparents of our grandparents and so on., Should we feel the need of the blaze. All that stomach. Appearance socialism for this reason. Why scaraventerà nell'immondezzaio all these dates that they no longer have any resonance in our minds, and it will create others, will be at least ours, and not those that we accept without benefit of inventory by our ancestors sciocchissimi.

(Antonio Gramsci, "Next!", Ed. Turin book "Under the mole", January 1, 1916.)

Salvatore Tamburro


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