Monday, February 28, 2011

Life Expectancy With 15% Heart Muscle

Molino Chiavazza Guardini and for a whole cake and cocoa

Ciaoooo! !
Finally after weeks I feel much better:) Here in Castellammare
It's cold today, cold and has not stopped raining for a moment :(((, so what better way to console if not a nice cake?? XD

E to make it I asked the help of two companies with which I am working ^ __ ^ .... the Guardini and Molino Chiavazza :)... and eventually find is this one ...

The cake is in fact made of chocolate cake for the preparation of Molino Chiavazza and I baked in a mold by the square of Guardini nice pink color that you can also find here .

CAKE WITH COCOA of Molino Chiavazza:
  • 430 g of prepared chocolate cake Molino Chiavazza
  • 3 eggs 125 g butter 150 g milk
Pour the mixture into a bowl cake contained in the big bag and add the other ingredients: butter, softened and cut into pieces eggs and milk. Working with an electric mixer for several minutes until dough is smooth and homogeneous. Butter the cake pan, pour the mixture and level off.
Bake at 170 degrees for 40-50 minutes.

There virtually offer a slice to all who follow me:) A big kiss ^ __ ^


Thursday, February 24, 2011

How Do I Know If My Period Is Over

Caio is either too good or too stupid - if RBS

Here's yet another case in which the bankers fail to wash their the hands of their "financial horrors" and all the blame to fall on the community. But as soon as things improve here that is reclaiming the wealth.
It 's the case of Royal Bank of Scotland that had been nationalized (yielding 74% to the British Treasury) due to a deficit of 6 billion pounds in 2009. Now for the year 2010, however, ended with a net operating profit of 1.9 billion pounds, that's incredible, the bankers are preparing a strategic plan to privatize , or bring her back in their hands. We
the usual: the bankers to the rule applies to nationalize the losses (when things go wrong) by fall the sacrifices on the community and privatize the profits (when things go well) to keep revenue strong in their pockets.
And all this is done with the complicity of governments, who distributes funds saving banks generated by the tax burden, ie through the money of citizens from paying taxes.
If the city could see a return on taxes paid in terms of improving public services offered would not be so bad, but to see their money spent to save private banks , cover the holes in the budget of these nationalization, then riconcederle back to the private bankers when earnings are generated here which then becomes i cittadini una presa in giro.
E' come se Tizio (il banchiere) giudando ubriaco facesse un incidente con la sua auto (la banca); Caio (lo Stato=noi) compra l'auto incidentata da Tizio, la ripara dal carrozziere a sue spese ed una volta che l'auto ritorna come nuova di zecca la riconsegna nelle mani di Tizio gratuitamente.
Caio o è troppo buono o è troppo idiota da non accorgersi della truffa.

Salvatore Tamburro

Tuesday, February 22, 2011

Flyer Templates For Golf Outing

The Cohousing: to live and share

Avete problemi economici a trovare casa, spaventati da prezzi di affitto troppo elevati per le vostre tasche o impossibilitati a chiedere un mutuo? Non avete problemi col vicinato e anzi siete disposti a condividere beni e servizi con altre persone, senza trascurare i propri spazi privati?
Bene allora il Cohousing potrebbe fare al caso vostro!
Nasce in Scandinavia negli anni 60, ed è a oggi diffuso specialmente in Danimarca, Svezia, Olanda, Inghilterra, Stati Uniti, Canada, Australia, Giappone.
Il cohousing è l’esperienza quotidiana di migliaia di persone in tutto il mondo che hanno scelto di vivere in una comunità residenziale a servizi condivisi.
Di solito un progetto di cohousing comprende dalle 20 alle 40 famiglie che convivono come una comunità di vicinato ( vicinato elettivo ) e gestiscono gli spazi comuni in modo collective and thereby obtain cost savings and benefits of ecological and social.
In practice, it forms a group, say 20 individuals, who are directly involved in the design of the "village" (block) which will live in choosing the services to be shared and how to handle them. They are divided in common spaces such as lounges, kitchen, bathroom, garage, wash, which can be used by all cohousers, but each also preserves its own private space and personal preference. The advantages
are of economic , because it saves the cost of living because it reduces waste, the use of external services, the cost of goods purchased collectively and social benefits of such , because you try to rediscover the lost dimension of social interaction, mutual support and good neighborliness. You could use the motto "unity is strength " and add "... and also saves." In cohousing
combine the concepts of car-sharing (car pool) and GAS (purchasing groups, or organize a group to save on cost of goods purchased in larger quantities and through choices for ' environment). In Italy the phenomenon
cohousing is still immature, little known, but there are sites that try to promote this lifestyle and try to gather in different cities
people involved.
In this scenario of high unemployment, loss of purchasing power of money, not possible to take out a loan, rents for apartments from the figures often unreasonable, this remains one of the cohousing alternative to be able to take into serious consideration.

If you are interested in the topic can find more information at these links:

Salvatore Tamburro

Monday, February 21, 2011

How Long Does It Take To Get Results For Stds

Chatter Molino Chiavazza

Good afternoon!
Thank you so much to each of you for your messages, I am emorme a pleasure to read:) and I thank you for this affettto, I leave Chatter of the recipe, that of Anna Moroni, proposed to test the chef last week.

Chatter Anna Moroni:
  • 500 g flour 2 tablespoons sugar
  • 50 g butter 2 eggs
  • 50 g aniseed liqueur
  • grated rind of one lemon salt
  • white wine to taste peanut oil for frying
Work all the ingredients in a blender in the order adding the eggs, sugar, salt, lemon zest, anise and butter into small pieces. Mix well and then add flour.
Now you work for everything well with your hands until dough is smooth. If necessary add a little white wine, I've put a spoon but is optional.
Let the dough rest for half an hour.
Roll out the dough very thin and cut out the chatter. Then fry in hot oil and cover with plenty of icing sugar.

And before you say goodbye I want you to see wonderful products that I have paid homage to the "Molino Chiavazza"

Preparations for cakes, pudding, custard and chocolate mousse


As soon as I feel good, good, I'll definitely try some of these beautiful products:))
Now I greet you. A big kiss


Sunday, February 20, 2011

Is Batula Part From Birkenston Shoes

Thinking Salvador Allende

Salvador Allende , presidente del Cile dal 3 novembre 1970 fino alla destituzione violenta a seguito di un colpo di stato militare appoggiato dagli USA, avvenuta l'11 settembre 1973, giorno della sua morte.
Alcuni sostengono che si tolse la vita con un fucile regalatogli da Fidel Castro, mentre altri sostengono che fu ucciso dai golpisti di Pinochet (che salì al potere dopo di lui, appoggiato dagli americani, instaurando una " bella " dittatura militare) mentre difendeva il palazzo presidenziale.
Un anno prima di morire fece questo bellissimo discorso presso la conferenza dell'Organizzazioni delle Nazioni Unite:

" Ci troviamo in front of a real confrontation between the major international corporations and governments.
they suffer interference in fundamental decisions, political, economic and military by organizations worldwide that do not depend on any state.
for their activities do not conform to any government and are not under the control of any Parliament and no institution to represent the collective interest.
In short, the political structure of the world is going to be upset.
Large multinational companies not only take the interests of developing countries, but their uncontrolled action and also acts as a dominatrix in industrialized countries in cui hanno sede.
La fiducia in noi stessi, che incrementa la nostra fede nei grandi valori dell'umanità, ci dà la certezza che questi valori dovranno prevalere e non potranno essere distrutti. "

Parole queste pronunciate quasi quaranta anni fa e che si rivelano ancora oggi attualissime, dato lo scenario che abbiamo in cui istituzioni nazionali (vedi Bankitalia S.p.a.) e sovra-nazionali (vedi B.C.E., Fondo Monetario Internazionale, W.T.O., O.N.U. e multinazionali del petrolio, farmaceutiche, etc.), non elette e volute da alcun cittadino, dettano le regole che influenzano l'economia, la medicina, la legislazione e, quindi, la nostra vita senza lasciarci no say.
I " great values \u200b\u200bof humanity," as Allende describes them, must be preserved at all costs and not left to the mercy of the elite private, dedicated only to the pursuit of lucrative interests in speculating on the job, on misinformation and impotence of ordinary citizens.
E 'must learn about the actual structure of the socio-economic system in which we live, to investigate what are the hands that move the wires of the power and reach to a concrete realization. Only then will a change, a real change no longer be considered a mere utopia.

As Thomas Jefferson said (third President of the United States of America):

" People Should not Be Afraid of Their Governments. Governments Should Be Afraid Of Their People. "

" not the people have to be afraid of their governments, but Governments should be afraid of their people. "

Salvatore Tamburro

Wednesday, February 16, 2011

Mexico Average Breast Size

cioccocaffè cake with Guardini

Good afternoon!
I'm back here at last. How are you?? I'm not so good, unfortunately: (. You know when preparing for an exam week and the morning of the fateful day you wake up with a fever? Those who, like me, I believe that studying can understand ^ _ ^. So this morning I just happened this day ... I'm from a perennial sore throat and cough, and fever today also decided to join me xD ... so the result is that now we are free from books and study, as it is today was the last exam for this session, but unfortunately not as I want :((... those books that I would have liked to put aside today and not see there are still beautiful beautiful on my desk ... that official anger! !

xD Oh well we go to another ... so I get distracted!
Tonight I propose a cupcake that I did Saturday night.
I assure you that is the softest I've ever felt before;).
Recipe comes directly from the first issue of the collection of books School of Chocolate coming out this week, on newsstands, the magazine "Chi" ... and I obviously I have not made up the chance xD ^__^. .. really beautiful books and delicious recipes;)

So before proceeding with the recipe I wanted to let you know that the doses that we give here are twice those listed in the book;)

  • 200 g to make
  • 200 g sugar 240 g butter
  • 4 eggs 4 tablespoons milk
  • pieces of salt
  • a packet of yeast
  • coffee a large coffee (repeated twice)
  • 6 tablespoons unsweetened cocoa powder
to cream the butter and sugar, add beaten eggs, salt, flour and mix well. Incorporate ONLY 4 tablespoons cocoa, milk and yeast.
After a buttered baking dish, pour the mixture and cover with lightly sweetened coffee and joined the other two tablespoons of cocoa.
Bake at 170 degrees for 40 to 45 minutes.
was the first time I tried to make a cake with this procedure. You will see that during cooking the coffee will be absorbed by the mixture and the result will be a sweet fluffy. If
, producing sweet, a little coffee will be left on the bottom of the pan, use it to decorate the cake.

I used the mold for cakes Guardini line "Morgane" that you will find here along with many other products.

Mmm then I wanted to tell you two things.
First, to my surprise yesterday, I found out I won my first blog candy since I came here on Blogger :).... oh yes ... the blog candy is to Carla and I won the second prize :) .. so I also take this opportunity to thank Carla:).

Then I wanted to tell you the other day I finally got the goods the Molino de Chiavazza :) and these days I'll see what I have posted;)

And finally I wanted to invite you, if you have not already done so to join the new page Decorate on Facebook:). If you should find it here :) and there are also a preview of the new products of Easter 2011.

Monday, February 14, 2011

What Happened To Cody From Corbin Fisher

live without money? E 'can

Mark Boyle, 31, is an English guy who for more than two years (from November 2008 to be precise) decided to live WITHOUT MONEY and succeeds very well, meeting all their basic needs.
E 'appointed the no money man.
businessman Mark Boyle is a former branch of organic farming, with a degree in economics and staunch supporter of the close connection between happiness and the environment.
His experience led him two years ago to decide to free themselves from the problem of money, explaining that his old life does not lack stress, bills and accounts payable.
vegetarian for six years already, it feeds the plants that grow hour to produce electricity with a solar panel, has a phone that uses incoming calls only and a notebook that is powered by solar energy.
It all started in a pub, says Boyle, " My friend and I were talking about all world problems such as labor exploitation, environmental destruction, factory farming, animal testing and wars for energy resources. I understand that they were all in one way or another, connected to money. So I decided to give up the money. I sold my house floating in Bristol and I left my job in a company of organic food .
If you think the money should be a means to facilitate our trade in goods / services in everyday life: move from point A to point B, buy food, find a roof to sleep.
have the money to meet these basic needs makes for a job (rare to find and keep these days), which in turn compels the individual to deprive himself of 8-10 hours of his life (1 / 3 of his day at least) and dedicated to performing a task.
And if these basic needs were met in any other way?
In 2007 he founded the Boyle Freeconomy Community, a community that promotes the sharing of skills and property and which now has 28,503 members in 154 countries, share responsibilities 404,600, 82,749 and 454 space instruments.
The philosophy of the community is this: sell the goods that otherwise thrown away and your skills (repair shoes, make tables, taught to play guitar), and in return ask the community with goods / services you need, all this is done without the use of money.

Before Freeconomy Community, it should be noted, however, the project Freecycle, an interesting movement, which then spread throughout the world that aims to reduce the environmental impact of things we use. Their motto is: Changing the world one gift at a time.
The Freecycle network, based in Arizona, is composed of nearly 5,000 groups and over 8 million members in 85 countries around the world.
E 'entirely nonprofit movement of people and exchange recycle items for free.
Freecycle exists in several Italian cities like Rome, Milan, Bologna, Napoli and Lecce, even though the project still on key restricted as it is little known.
Mark Boyle is certainly a living example of an alternative life. He now says so happy to want to continue on this path and if you ask him: "What I learned ? " Mark says, " that friendship, not money, is the real security. What poverty is the westernmost of a spiritual kind. that the independence and interdependence really. "
If the world could understand that the money is anxious to accumulate so much after hours and hours behind a desk or a factory is not even his own (see " seigniorage scam"), maybe you begin to think more concretely to alternative lifestyles and as happy as Mark Boyle, "the no money man" .
If you are curious to find this link to a video interview with Mark Boyle about his lifestyle.

Salvatore Tamburro

Sunday, February 13, 2011

L Carnitine And Adderall

The dignity of women in newspapers ... view

Today, February 13, 2011, he left the stage in Piazza del Popolo in Rome the cry of women "indignant "Today showed throughout Italy and abroad to reclaim the dignity of women.
The movement for the dignity 'of women was organized by the Committee If not now when" in Rome and more' than 230 City 'Italian, and quickly "infected" thirty Resorts' foreign, on the other side of the world.
At the event we were young and young mothers and poor, all united in expressing their disagreement with a government Berlusconi and in particular to a patient and now the brink of physical and mental, saying that the woman is not a banal object of desire, that meritocracy has no value nowadays, where you teach to make a career only if you offer your body for sexual services.
There is a thick slice of the women of Italy, which emphasizes the concept of dignity. Today
were there, together with the url slogans like " We want a country that respects all women .
Besides the beauty of the event, it is curious, however, pause to read the different newspapers:
- In "The Republic " reads the front page online:
" Over one million women in the square with " On
"Without The Daily " online on the first page are titled:
"In piazza Italy claimed his dignity. Events million men and women "

Note instead the pro-Berlusconi newspaper .
- on" the Journal's online Sallusti include:
" women on the streets with single target: the Cav " , quoting a comment from the Gelmini, which says on the show today: "This is the usual left-wing snob heroines who came out of their living rooms for groped women and to exploit the issue to attack a government that continues to have the confidence of the majority the Italians. "
- on" Free "online Belpietro NO news about the event.
- on" Il Foglio "online Giuliano Ferrara NO news, indeed remains on the front page the news of his show "In pants but alive, where Ferrari stands to champion defender of his employer, Silvio.

spoken of as an apolitical event seems to have been no party banners, but in the end, at least from what can be seen in the press, everything has always been a key aspect in politics. Who went to the event is considered for an anti-PDL-Berlusconi, who was home for a fan of the rider. The defense of the dignity
I do not think politicians should have color, is an ideal, a feeling that should belong to women and men as well as right, center and left.
This is the re-test the media, printing, newspapers are nothing more than the "party ramifications", ready to exploit any action of the people as for or against the government. The real information
in my opinion only circulates on the Internet through websites \\ independent blogs, and independent mean that they do not receive public or private funding of any kind, and therefore are not subject to the game-force political parties and multinationals.
Ariadne's Thread colleague political-media-public funding , as long as things remain the directors of these single logically newspapers will always be direct employees of the vertices of PD or PDL, and the citizen-reader will always deprived of truthful information, good, neutral.
When we start to turn off the TV and not buy newspapers -politicized, and maybe we will go to seek the true information on our behalf?

Salvatore Tamburro
(photo by Ada Palma)

Saturday, February 12, 2011

Pregnant Positive Sayings

Pertini If he were alive ...

If he were to receive Sandro Pertini Berlusconi yesterday afternoon at the Quirinale, instead of Napolitano, the would have kicked ass and had given some time series directives to leave the post of prime minister. Instead
Napolitano, awake just in firmare decreti " salva-corrotti ", ha ben pensato di invocare un " abbassamento dei toni, delle tensioni, altrimenti la legislatura è a rischio " .
Caro Napolitano, qui è la Costituzione e la pazienza degli Italiani che è a rischio, e abbiamo già travalicato tutti i limiti considerati ragionevoli per un essere umano.
Dove stanno l' Onestà e il Coraggio invocati da Pertini?
Abbiamo al governo un premier malato ed irresponsabile, siamo un Paese economicamente in ginocchio dove giungono ogni giorno decine e decine di richieste di fallimento da parte delle piccole-medie imprese, siamo ridicolizzati su tutta la stampa estera, siamo governati from 70-80 year old (from right to left) that have no ideas and no idea what it means to implement a political program that has real growth proposals for youth employment (youth unemployment as the record of 24.7%), we have a print National focuses on feasts of whores and whoremongers, parliamentary fascists as La Russa that kicking a reporter who asks questions "uncomfortable" and then continue to be slaves of the banks, following obsequiously in both Europe and the U.S. diktat imposed respectively by the very private ECB and Federal Reserve.
And we stand by and watch, helpless in this situation, no outrage. But then, just in time, when qualcuno potrebbe alzare la testa, che giunge la distrazione di massa astutamente programmata: la partita di calcio della squadra del cuore, l'arrivo diel festival di Sanremo in cui si deciderà quale sarà la valletta meglio vestita, il Grande Fratello e via con le solite distrazioni. E continuerà ad essere sempre così finchè l'italiano medio continuerà a vegetare sulla sua poltrona davanti a quella scatola nera chiamata televisione; finchè non deciderà di trovare le informazioni necessarie da altre fonti e per conto suo (senza aspettare che gli si vengano imboccate dai media di regime ); finchè non capirà che tutte le decisioni prese (e non prese) a partire dai consigli comunali della sua città signed up to by-laws affect his life in parliament, its welfare and its future, until intuirà the importance of being part of the res-publica, or to count and give weight to his thoughts via a referendum, public gatherings , public meetings, events calendar.

I wonder Pasolini what he wrote on the Italians at this precise moment in history, but the answer I think I guess. Until this
AWARENESS not happen, will also fall short in a government-berlusconi, but it will rise another (right or left makes no difference, so both remain " doormats" of the international bankers) who mesmerize the people about an alleged political and social change, will pretend to change everything to not change anything.
The desire to implement a change worthy of the name must begin with Young, who should advise all their indignation and to make a sound cultural and social revolution, without violence, but who is strong of his ideas for renewal.
must not allow the old whoremongers, ex-showgirls, fascist, corrupt and corrupting to make decisions that affect our present and our future, now that we're playing our lives, so it is now time to put field in all of our energies to make us feel and groped to change the tables.
There is a great big difference between Living and Surviving .

Salvatore Tamburro

Thursday, February 10, 2011

Strep Spots On Palate

Danes fuck it ... and do it well!

We make a point of the situation by reading the main news release today, February 10, 2011: the "trust" of Berlusconi, Minister Frattini Ruby wants to send the case-his master's under the lens of the European Court of Human Rights (no longer know what to invent to get away with it), introducing a tax on cinema, and the final scene of the movie " Caiman, "Nanni Moretti criticized by RAI in the" Talk to Me "hosted by Serena Dandini, the White House pretends to support the Egyptian Revolution and ordered to Mubarak to resign, when in reality you are manipulating the transition according to Israeli interests because nothing is changed in Egypt, a New York Republican congressman, Chris Lee, who for a photo shirtless in chat is forced to resign.
Well, I have not found a single article on the national newspapers that the Danish State had taken control of a regional bank, based in Copenhagen, which had declared its bankruptcy .
As mentioned here " Danish State took over yesterday (02/07/2011) control of a regional bank, the Amagerbanken , based in Copenhagen. The bank had declared its bankruptcy on Sunday night, undermined by the weight of high-risk investments, mainly related to the housing market, which was made before the financial crisis that erupted in 2008. "
You may wonder, where is the bombshell?
lies in the fact that this time saving is not got no piece of any state fund (at taxpayer expense of course) that, by preventing the blatant failure of the institution, allowing the bank to continue undisturbed and without blame their job.
Indeed, instead of loading everything on the public debt exhausting the resources of public spending (health, schools and transport!, etc..) simply has decided to share at least part of the losses to investors, especially to the "wealthy .
It 's a Danish found this unusual, which could (with some accortenze) to be followed also by the Irish people, tired of having to comply with the agreements with the EU / ECB / IMF and be forced to toil for about 100 years just to repay disasters made by speculators creative finance. That case is
Amagerbanken an example for all, with the hope that in the event of bankruptcy of a bank, its managers are required to pay, instead of spreading the saving on the shoulders of citizens.

Salvatore Tamburro

How Fast Does The Api Fungus Cure Work


According to post-2011 ..

Tuesday, February 8, 2011

Chicken Pox Groin Pain

My collaboration with Guardini!

I'm back here to present the product that I paid tribute to the Guardini . :)))

Then a square tin line "Spring"

plate for cakes and pies for line "Morgane"

mold line 12 muffins "Gardenia" full cups:)

Die " x slices slices "of the line " Formegolose " to make not one but ten cakes xD conteporaneaente

And finally, the heart-shaped pastry rings:)
pastry rings are the latest in the family Guardini allow you to cut and paste or to Serve and present in table mousse, tartare, rice, casseroles, sweet and savory. The novelty is that the plunger can help nell'impiattamento and mold.

soon I'll be more free from study, I certainly have fun trying all these pretty trinkets! :))))


Wednesday, February 2, 2011

Forced To Be Barefoot

From time to time ..

As always, but much more rarely update my blog. Recently I left my web page into the fray but this does not mean that you are not working. Pending projects something new cove ...
.. with the hope that it will be successful ..

Detail page.