Friday, December 31, 2010

Green Green Episode 8 Uncensored

year to the present generation without

Right now most of you will be busy organizing the dinner year-end of the 2010 draws to a close. You find yourself among friends and family to celebrate the start of a new year, and like every year it is hoped that better than the last, with the same cards and the same hopes to realize our dreams. We notice however that the situation in reality does not change, even worse from time to time. Find a job becomes a utopia, the prices of gasoline, food and other services will increase by about one thousand euro in the previous year, and this contrasts with rising unemployment and layoff. We became the generation that lives day by day, without certainty about tomorrow, which is able to achieve the economic stability that can be able to think of a peaceful future.
In all this our political class is totally incapable of governing a country bent and helpless in front of the thirst for power of large corporations and banks from the purely private purposes.
While the news of recent days interviewing actresses and starlets for your good wishes to the nation and to inform the public about their upcoming shows, no one has emphasized the umpteenth suicide of a boy of 27 years, caused by the loss of a place to work .
Publishing the article below, inviting readers to reflect: a job is much more than just a job, a hope for the future, is a way to make a personal and family balance; yet how long we can allow this elite composed of politicians, bankers, managers by private interests to manipulate our lives to deprive us of life itself?

Crisis: another suicide for the loss of a job (Gianpaolo Battaglia)
While our politicians are spending their Christmas vacation away from work due to the planned long-stay for Parliament, and we are confident that each of them will have the opportunity to enjoy the luxury of a very attractive destination in the country continue to happen real dramatic events related to the contingency of the tough economic crisis, it is a few hours the news released by a newspaper Local, La Nuova Sardegna, an extreme act done by a boy who was without a job since fired, decided to take his own life the night before Christmas hanging in the garage of his home, a suicide, linked to yet another drama loss of employment as our newspaper has repeatedly telling certificate, in the past, similar cases ( Crisis: Give us this day our daily suicide ) ( Inequality and suicide). Back to
'episode of the suicide took place in Cagliari, we come to tell the facts, the boy hero of extreme action was an employee of 27 years employed by 10 companies at a roadside with a permanent contract, a kind of mirage these times. In mid-December, however, the boy, whose name at the behest of their parents has been kept confidential, he received a letter of notice of termination by the leadership of the society in which states must leave because of a surplus of staff.
The boy naturally goes into a vortex of hopelessness especially worried, as they told their parents, for those car payments and television that has yet to pay off and now does not know how to honor, a few days and then the extreme action that leads him to choose the path of suicide.
to find her lifeless body inside the family's garage, hung in the mezzanine of the warehouse with a rope, was the mother herself. "She had no problems, everything was fine. Until they fired "were some of the words spoken by parents of the boy, whose history seems to be common to many young and old.
the grip of a crisis (that someone tells us not to be there) and unemployment are increasingly those who lose their jobs and find themselves down 'to today tomorrow in the middle of a road for some of them, the act of suicide is not a situation so remote and often, unfortunately, also chooses to implement it. All in the 'indifference and inability of a political class intent only, as shown by the latest events news, to grab a chair and place in positions of command, well-paid, family, friends, and friends of friends.
Stories like that happened to Cagliari, starring driven to suicide by a deaf and unable to society, are not new and, we are sure, will continue to happen, unfortunately, I wonder if the echo of what happened to the young man will come in places where Our politicians are spending their deserved holiday.

Salvatore Tamburro

Thursday, December 30, 2010

Scavenger Hunt List Cruise

cake flower meadow

Good afternoon next to blog xD ... then you are preparing for tomorrow night??
I'm not much in the sense that I have big plans for the evening ... I'm not absolutely mistress balls and parties in various local ^ __ ^ but I prefer to spend a quiet evening with family and then maybe with friends ^ ^. Unfortunately, there's my boy with a fever: (and so are a little low ... I hope he gets better soon ... soon

However I started this post not to talk about some recipe but rather to show you a little Photo
xD Yeah, because last night I had to make a cake for the birthday of my girlfriend:) and then I indulged xD ... I finally made my first cake made entirely of Marshmallow Fondant:) And when I say
"spaces" mean that I have not coated with MMF is not only decorated:))) ^ __ ^
My boyfriend gave me for Christmas Kit Wilton flowers
* __ * (for those not familiar this is in the picture)

... and not seeing I decided to try it just to use it for this cake here. I had so much fun to make so many different and colorful flowers all *_*... cake and of course I called "Minesweeper" xD
Pingu The base is a cake with whipped cream and Nutella: P, maybe you the recipe a place in the next post xD Cause now I want you to see the photino
^ __ ^ Ah, I warn you ... I'm quite a bit because I could not make up my mind xD ihihi
Eccola that:

This is a bouquet of roses that I put on the tray next to the cake

Muffin chocolate I used to decorate the tray of cake:)
So, what do you say?? ^_^... First time as I am pleased with the result:) I really like this cake so much. Unfortunately I have no photos of the interior because we celebrated her birthday at a bar and after photos, the waiter has taken the cake to cut himself :((((.... Offi not know about you but I can not stand this thing: (xD. .. is ugly so carefully prepare a cake and then not even have the satisfaction of cut: ((xD. .. in any case the old lady is happy and I'm glad:)

So girls, after this flood of photo ^ ^, I salute you and since I do not know if I will go by tomorrow evening, I'll now many New Year's greetings!:) A big kiss to

Monday, December 27, 2010

Visual Merchandiser Cover Letter Samples

Tree of cookies with the Wilton kit

Ciaooooooo: ) So how have you been all these
holidays?? I'm fine, in the family of course;) and I ate tantissimooo: S, but despite the great meals of these days and already abundant Christmas cakes (Pandora, panettone and various sweets) I could not resist and I still ventured into a little something sweet and nice to watch ^ __ ^

Just look 'here ...

finally got to do my Tree of cookies ^ __ ^
I made with this kit of Wilton;)

The recipe for the cookies, however, I got it from Paneangeli site, a real guarantee for me;), in fact I think it's the best recipe for biscuits I've ever tried so far ^^... you get the cookies crumbly, not too sweet and crunchy to perfection;) .. . here it is ...

cakes and tarts of Paneangeli:
  • 200 g flour 80 g icing sugar 100 g butter
  • pieces of salt 1 egg 2 teaspoons baking
I doubled all doses because otherwise the dough was not enough for all stars.
For the preparation proceeds as a normal crust, so it worked first the butter and sugar until creamy, then add egg, salt and finally the sifted flour and baking powder.
Knead the dough a bit with your hands and put it in the fridge to rest for an hour.

At this point I have spread the mixture a little at a time, not too thin on parchment paper and with this I have helped a lot. In practice, gradually forming stars not lifted from the paper otherwise a risk of warping, but I simply cut the paper around the star and I laid on the pan with all the paper. It 'something that I recommend if you want to try this tree;), mainly because the star that forms the basis is very large and raising it without the support paper be ruined for sure ^ __ ^
These cookies are in the oven at 170 degrees for 15 minutes (in any case you always check and see that they are just barely golden sfornateli.

And now we come to the construction of the tree. Obviously There are several ways to glue the star among them, such as the frosting;) but I'm not very fond of sweet frosting troooppo xD in my opinion ^ ^, and so I opted for chocolate;)
between a star and 'I put the other white chocolate melted in a water bath to join the stars together and used as decoration I always melted dark chocolate in a double boiler, and a cascade of silver confetti icing sugar:)

And here it is:)

To decorate I used in Mmf decorating made simple chocolates and dark chocolate made with chocolate molds of Amstrad:)

What do you think? ? and do not tell you what I had to invent to carry it to my aunt's house xD eheh ^ __ ^

A big kiss to all

Friday, December 24, 2010

Where Can I Buy 779 Film?

Panettoncino home Anna Moroni e. .. happy birthday! Pedrini :....

In this day of celebration I could not leave my best wishes to you all ... and I do a recipe with all of the good and simple Christmas ^__^, Panettoncino household that are straight from Anna Moroni. Oh yes, Annina presented them to "Try the chef" last week:) I really do not
xD ... I love panettone are pandoro ^__^, but these I was really curious to try them, and then instead of ' raisins ... I used an alternative chocolate chips ^ __ ^ hehe xD

Panettoncino HOME :
For lievitino:
  • 150 g
  • manitoba flour 25 g fresh yeast 75 g of milk
For the dough:
  • 450 g flour 220 g of Manitoba
  • milk 2 egg yolks 50 g butter
  • 40 g of honey 3 tablespoons sugar
  • 10 g of salt (I put a lot less than a teaspoon )
  • 200 g of raisins (I 200 grams of chocolate chips)
  • grated orange peel
First lievitino prepared by dissolving the yeast in lukewarm milk and knead the flour. Let rise for at least an hour. Prepared
spent an hour putting the dough in a bowl the flour, add the lievitino melting it with milk, then add the other ingredients: egg yolks, sugar, honey, salt and zest orange. Mix well and then add everything, just now, making the butter mix well with everything else.
Finally add the chocolate chips.
Make dough rise for at least two hours.
At this point, distribute the mixture into the molds, I have come to 16. The Moroni advised to distribute in each stencil at least 80-90 grams of dough;)
Once this is done, I've made them rise all night and then I cooked them this morning.
must bake at 170 degrees for 40 minutes.

may be good gift idea, or they can be a placeholder for the fun dinner tonight:) I've packed so I

And with these Panettoncino hope you all enjoy a peaceful and Happy Christmas Eve! !

Ciaoooooo!! Gloria

Thursday, December 23, 2010

Pink Tinged Cervical Mucus And Pregnancy'

"Tips for shopping".

zooming in on the poster you can vederei day that I will be present at the library for kids, "The Moon on a leash" in Termoli.
I'll be there for this smearing your loved ones and dispense albetti quarantottiani doodles.
Merry Christmas and good


Wednesday, December 22, 2010

Prawn Traps For Sale Bc

wishes for a "Very good Christmas

Not that this blog has a life so strong for the upload, mind you, but I wanted to go on vacation (as if there is a life that is;), however this is Christmas card I sent these days to all my contacts that act as Face Book or Outlook, almost certainly, indeed certainly, I will forget someone so I apologize and wish you a "very warm to spend Christmas in an atmosphere of cheerfulness, with family members and people you love. "
because basically that's what really important in life.

Well everywhere I go!


Tuesday, December 21, 2010

Raven Riley With The Baby

be prepared for the invasion of China Christmas

While ' ISTAT us that unemployment is the highest since January 2004, with 24.7% of young jobless rate and a of inactivity of the population between 15 and 64 years (ie the percentage of those without work and not looking) 38.6%; in this newspaper seems to pass on some news from the results in a huge mute, or that the " China is ready to save the € !
" With its huge foreign exchange reserves China, already 'first U.S. underwriter of bonds, was committed in recent days to buy debt Portuguese. now open and 'European-wide .
The question is: the Chinese are bluffing or serious?
If the Chinese were bluffing means that it is just beautiful promises made to countries without anything PIIGS Specifically, for the sole purpose of making grants to enjoy the year-end rally.
And if they were serious, and then allow China to buy euro-bonds, however, what is the price to pay?
"At stake are huge economic interests as those treated in the bilateral summit with the EU took place in the Chinese capital: a non-belligerency in international trade that could lead to a bilateral treaty on investment, and perhaps a stronger China-EU coordination in the G20. "
Rest assured that the Chinese do not care about the resumption of the EU economies without having anything in return.
You know the China-US relationship? There is a covenant, not too hidden, between the two countries, namely: China holds most of the bonds in exchange for American and the U.S., consumer country par excellence, takes care of buying the junk generated by the immense Chinese cheap labor available.
If China were allowed to buy European debt the grant would be to authorize an invasion of "our house", implemented by ' elusive Chinese labor , which would end up completely flake off the already fragile local economies. When you consider that in Italy, 99.9% are small and medium enterprises and almost all of SMEs (95%) consists of companies with fewer than 10 employees, comes from if you can not compete with the giant Chinese that will be facilitated by "a non-aggression in international trade", that it enter into our country from the main entrance.
This possible move by China could, if implemented, make it jump in much less than a decade from second to first place in the ranking of the most powerful economies in the world, overtaking the U.S. in terms of gross domestic product.
The path of the Chinese dragon inexorable advance and could do a scorched earth in its path.
begin to look for some Mandarin Chinese language course, it might come in handy in the near future.

Salvatore Tamburro

Buy Cheetos Wholesale

Collaboration with the parcel has arrived! Creating

Siiiii finally the package arrived this morning of Pedrini :)))))!!!
can not imagine my joy when I opened it! :) Was just everything that I asked ^ __ ^
Look a little here:

One of my Christmas present a little early ^__^, and now I can not wait to get started and try out all these beautiful silicone molds "The lillotte")
But now I'll show you one at a time products they sent me;)

Then a nice silicone mold shaped like a butterfly ^ __ ^

One, always in line silicone and increasingly "The lillotte" of Pedrini, flower-shaped :)

And what about this with the sun and the moon drawn on top ... :)

This one instead is ciambellaaaaaaa:)

Then a grid cakes cool, very useful for frosting cakes, and a spargifarina:)

Finally, a ceramic pan and a casserole too red too cute ^ _ ^

I'm really glad that I have posted this tribute:)
These collaborations are starting to really like it a lot and think that ^___^... up to four months ago, there I knew this opportunity, I had a blog, but now .... nothing ... and that belloooo! :)
And what do you expect? Go and visit the Pedrini site where you'll find these and many other products!

Sunday, December 19, 2010

Pantis Indain Blgsopt

with Marshmallow Fondant ... ...

Good afternoon! and happy Sunday! :)
I am here today not a recipe for real, but because I want to show what I enjoyed doing some nice decorations yesterday :)... MMF - Marshmallow Fondant, obviously in Christmas theme ^ __ ^ I do not know
I will use again for what xD but I really want to model something
^ ^ I posted the recipe for Mmf already a few months ago and if you can find it here

Just look here:

For these trees I followed the tutorial of "The cow drunk" that you find here :)

And then I realized this friendly little snow:) unfortunately is not really white white because the original marshmallow fondant which I realized was slightly Celestine ^ ^

What do you say? you like?? :)

Gloria A big kiss:)