Saturday, December 4, 2010

Culinare Rocket Chef Instructions

Towards the Great Bubble

Yesterday Trichet, ECB president, has announced to offer unlimited liquidity. On the same day also Bernanke, chairman of the Federal Reserve, announced we could not stop the QE2 from 600 billion dollars, but also think about a QE3, QE4 and so on.
For these individuals the solution to the crisis is to flood the market with endless liquidity, which translates to save c. .. onto the insolvent banks and repay the debts of the borrowings on the Europeans and Americans. That
Paraculo Jamie Dimon, chairman of JP Morgan Chase, declared yesterday: "I find it very strange that we continue to blame the banks for the default state and that the banks are accused of speculating on government bonds: banks are the largest holders of these securities. "Well dear Dimon, maybe if I had not accepted Recently Milardi 25 dollars by the U.S. government, which instead give them to you had spent those billions for the good of the community, then I would have understood your speech. But because the money they've accepted, I think it is a speech a bit 'hypocritical on your part.
Dimon as bankers of his colleagues applied the rule: nationalized the losses and privatize profits.
why the stock closed in positive, despite the poor U.S. employment report (unemployment rose to 9.8%): they are shot enough to know that injections of liquidity into the market to stay with your backs and then they damn those who remain jobless. The number will swell
QE the bubble until it burst, because governments could no longer cope with the burden of indebtedness are signing up. Meanwhile
's Economist, the journal of the bankers, published an article titled Do not do it , namely "Do not do " referring to the possibility of exit from the euro zone countries. The Economist
tips are but of take advantage of these difficulties, putting public finances in order, cut public spending, reducing government intervention State economy. The dear old school liberal never dies.
To overcome the crisis would be enough to do the opposite of what is professed by the ECB, FED, IMF, and newspapers such as The Economist, but their words are the diktats imposed on our leaders.


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