Wednesday, December 15, 2010

How To Wash Straightened Hair

between luxury and poverty, the gap does not stop you great

The gap between rich and poor is ever growing. Now the intermediate class of people called "normal" or who do not live in luxury but not in poor condition, is increasingly shrinking. There are reports that contrast sharply to read together. Since we're under
Christmas in the emirate's oil-rich Abu Dhabi, at one of lussiosi most hotels in the world, the 'Emirates Palace , have well thought out to satisfy their customers with a tall Christmas tree' of 13 meters, with hanging diamond earrings and other jewelry valued at approximately 11 million dollars. With petrodollars they can do anything! And to think we're talking about a Muslim country, which decorate the hotel with a Christmas tree emblem of the Christian holidays and dig a well in the history of the Christmas tree is a symbol of pagan holidays. But aside from these contradictions, the greater the contrast of a story like that you feel when you read from a survey carried out by ' Adige (Consumer Defence Association) whose President Carlo Garofolini comments: " There is little to celebrate. After a year of price increases and speculative increases, families have been forced to borrow to survive. And in their pockets will be only one-fifth of the Thirteenth .
Another contradiction is the one referring to the food industry: according to the FAO produce food for 12 billion people , while human beings on Earth are currently 6 billion and 800 million, almost 1 billion individuals malnourished dying from lack of food.
who would think too much and to whom nothing . What comes from this? This is just a wrong allocation of resources? A twist of fate that he enjoys helping the bold oil magnates \\ bankers against the modest workers \\ temporary \\ unemployed?
The only sure thing is that now we can no longer speak of a "pyramid " socio-economic summit which is composed of a small circle of wealthy until you reach a large base of poor, but we represent the company rather than a pyramid, but as a figure in the shape of an hourglass "thinned in the central part of its own structure to indicate the almost non-existence of middle class economic, heading towards a society where there will always be richer and more poorer.

Salvatore Tamburro


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