Tuesday, December 14, 2010

Breitling Watch Broken

Collaboration with Pedrini e. .. a little something for you ...

this morning are not here to offer you a recipe ... lately I have not much time to devote to sweets, but I think a two or three things to make for the holidays and I hope to do that ^ __ ^
So no recipe but I want to give you a very good news for me.
Yesterday morning in my email I found the answer of Pedrini who agreed to cooperate with my blog :))))

What belloooo! *____*

The Pedrini is one of the most famous companies in the field of household goods. Since 1942, the market offers a wide range of products for meat, fish, for the production of sweets, in short, all kinds of items that will help us in our kitchens to find it on their site .

Mission of PEDRINI is to design and produce items that help make it easier, fun and safe activity in the home and kitchen.
PEDRINI proposes new solutions practices, functional and aesthetically pleasing .
Pedrini products are functional and have a modern design, are made with quality materials and are backed by a great brand known and trusted.

I suggest you go take a look at site where you can find all the products by categories and, therefore, easy to read, funny gift ideas suitable for these parties, also the new line of pans and also the line Kaffettiera Pedrini Pedrini.
Force to go ahead, good navigation)

Mmmm then I have a little something for you. Actually I do not know if you like it or not, or whether there may be useful or not, but I went anyway to share it with you.
These days, I have often seen, on some blogs, the Christmas trees made so many cookies in the shape of stars (from largest to smallest) put one over the other ^__^... also the pyramid ' Last night, in the window of my favorite shop was just a kit made for achieving questo albero che comprendeva una serie di formine di varia grandezza.
Allora mi sono detta...ma invece di spendere i soldini, perchè non provare a realizzare da sola le forme delle stelle da poggiare poi sulla pasta e rintagliare????
Detto fatto xD.... con un pò di pazienza e armata di squadrette e matita, ho realizzato queste stelline ^__^

Non sono perfette, però chi ha detto che debbano esserle ^__^...vanno bene anche così secondo me xD
Io mi sono aiutata con questo schema, ritagliandolo e ricopiando i contorni su un cartoncino ;), ho iniziato dalla stella più grande e poi, mano mano, ho rintagliato le altre stelle fino alla più piccola always reported on a card;)
For now, I have not yet used in practice xD, I hope to have the time, but meanwhile I've ^^.... I give it to you, who knows maybe you can help;).
The only thing I wanted to save as a pdf file but have a landslide with these things and there xD .... maybe I could try to save it on your PC as an image and then open it with any program, like paint, or those for edit pictures and, if necessary, resize it so that it enters the A4 sheet of printer, so you can easily print it out;)
If you have problems send me an email so maybe I'll send you an email with your;)

That said, there I send a big kiss:)


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