Tuesday, December 14, 2010

Average Price To Replace Starter In A Car

great great (and my penis would remind me even more)

Mina was 1971 when he recorded "Great, great, great", but today in Supplement to the Bulletin of Public Finance Bank of Italy says the updated data of our public debt of € 1867398000000 ! A reading is now the desire to sing the song of Mina.
In just one month (from September to October) increased by EUR 23 billion, while the beginning of the year growth was 104 billion, an increase of 5.9%.
The vortex of eternal debt continues unabated, and no way out.
Meanwhile, the English auction led to a sharp rise in yields on government bonds of the country, while the S & P moralizing has monitored the rating of Belgium (almost technically insolvent). Although credit conditions remain difficult in Spain for at least a year and the Iberian country might need an emergency intervention such as Greece and Ireland. In essence
Greece, Ireland and Portugal are already insolvent and Spain following close behind them, in Italy nearly 600,000 workers involved in the layoff with a cut in the payroll of more than € 7,500 on average, almost 5% of households have a mortgage are difficulties in paying the monthly payment and are therefore insolvent; in a single month the unemployed increased by 93mila units, rising prices of petrol and diesel.
But what does it matter so much, the government of "miracles" made the trust (including vote buying and betrayal) and are all happy.

Salvatore Tamburro


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