Monday, December 27, 2010

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Tree of cookies with the Wilton kit

Ciaooooooo: ) So how have you been all these
holidays?? I'm fine, in the family of course;) and I ate tantissimooo: S, but despite the great meals of these days and already abundant Christmas cakes (Pandora, panettone and various sweets) I could not resist and I still ventured into a little something sweet and nice to watch ^ __ ^

Just look 'here ...

finally got to do my Tree of cookies ^ __ ^
I made with this kit of Wilton;)

The recipe for the cookies, however, I got it from Paneangeli site, a real guarantee for me;), in fact I think it's the best recipe for biscuits I've ever tried so far ^^... you get the cookies crumbly, not too sweet and crunchy to perfection;) .. . here it is ...

cakes and tarts of Paneangeli:
  • 200 g flour 80 g icing sugar 100 g butter
  • pieces of salt 1 egg 2 teaspoons baking
I doubled all doses because otherwise the dough was not enough for all stars.
For the preparation proceeds as a normal crust, so it worked first the butter and sugar until creamy, then add egg, salt and finally the sifted flour and baking powder.
Knead the dough a bit with your hands and put it in the fridge to rest for an hour.

At this point I have spread the mixture a little at a time, not too thin on parchment paper and with this I have helped a lot. In practice, gradually forming stars not lifted from the paper otherwise a risk of warping, but I simply cut the paper around the star and I laid on the pan with all the paper. It 'something that I recommend if you want to try this tree;), mainly because the star that forms the basis is very large and raising it without the support paper be ruined for sure ^ __ ^
These cookies are in the oven at 170 degrees for 15 minutes (in any case you always check and see that they are just barely golden sfornateli.

And now we come to the construction of the tree. Obviously There are several ways to glue the star among them, such as the frosting;) but I'm not very fond of sweet frosting troooppo xD in my opinion ^ ^, and so I opted for chocolate;)
between a star and 'I put the other white chocolate melted in a water bath to join the stars together and used as decoration I always melted dark chocolate in a double boiler, and a cascade of silver confetti icing sugar:)

And here it is:)

To decorate I used in Mmf decorating made simple chocolates and dark chocolate made with chocolate molds of Amstrad:)

What do you think? ? and do not tell you what I had to invent to carry it to my aunt's house xD eheh ^ __ ^

A big kiss to all


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