Thursday, December 9, 2010

Boot Stretcher/canada

The Federal Reserve? Best to close the Americans

While former Italy boss Callisto Tanzi 18y.o. is sentenced to prison for the crash and while Parmalat continues to buy and sell votes for the motion of confidence provided December 14, while the U.S. is listening to a chorus abnormally expressed in a recent survey by the agency created Bloomberg on a sample of voters Americans. The results of this survey suggest the statements very uncomfortable for Ben Bernanke (visibly distraught in the photo), chairman of the Federal Reserve: 39% of respondents to the Fed should not be an independent entity but should respond to the Congress, while the 16 % should be abolished completely. Only 37% the Fed is expected to remain an independent institution from politics (as it is now ... in private hands, more independent than that?). If the survey was translated into a real vote Bernanke should get a new job.
The Fed is nothing but a central bank controlled by an external private: the lobbies of Wall Street, that is Rothschild, Rockefeller, Morgan & company.
Obviously, the Americans surveyed, the solutions implemented by Bernanke to inject 3.3 trillion dollars of liquidity into the financial system USA and buy $ 600 billion of Treasury securities have proved unpopular, not to say bankruptcy.

Salvatore Tamburro


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