Friday, December 3, 2010

Wedding Program Dedication To Deceased

Here I am ... today is Friday, the weekend started we can say;), and I'm here again to bring you something sweet really easy to pamper this weekend;)

La ricetta, mi sembra giusto dirlo, è del blog Anice e Cannella , un blog che mi piace molto e che mi ritrovo spesso a visitare :)
La torta è una buonissima Torta al caffè, che nella ricetta originale prevedeva l'aggiunta di caffè solubile, ma io non l'avevo e quindi ho fatto a meno ^__^
Quindi eccovi tutte le dovute spiegazioni ;) :

  • 150 g flour 100 g starch
  • 200 g sugar 3 eggs 100 g butter
  • a packet of yeast
  • 40 g of oil
  • a coffee pot two of coffee (I had about 110 g) pieces of salt
I followed the traditional process for the preparation of cakes .. so I first separate the yolks from the whites until stiff and mounted them.
Then I mixed for the yolks with the sugar and softened butter, I added the oil, coffee, and finally the starch and flour.
After well mixed I added baking powder and finally the egg whites until stiff and incorporate the mixture without removing them.
I cook everything at 170 degrees for 50 minutes.

Mmmmm the taste of coffee feels great;)

Mmm this is good since I have a sweet little thing to say to you ^ __ ^ Let me tell you
Caramellandia a site that is ideal for someone like me, have fun in the kitchen to make cakes and pies of all kinds. Here you will find everything you need you need a wide range of molds silicon, and for your muffin cups, ribbons, flowers, candles and individuals in sugar to decorate the most of your sweet;)
I mean everything, really everything you need for a perfect cake ^ __ ^ And
also for those who present themselves as a reader of my blog will have a 10% discount;)

Force "Caramellandia" awaits here:);)

A big kiss to all:)


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